KSTU Summer School

Summer School "Hydro KG" - 2025


HYDRO KG “Kyrgyzstan – Hydropower, Ecology and Hydro morphology»

Duration: 04/08 – 17/08/2025

Place: Kyrgyz State Technical University/KSTU, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Participants: Bachelor/ Master Students, Aspirants/PhD Students, young lecturers/teachers.

Events/Seminars: Lectures, Russian language course, Excursions: 4 Micro Hydropower plants in Chui Region; big Power stations in South Region of Kyrgyzstan: Toktogul, Kurp-Sai, Kambar-Ata; in North Region of Kyrgyzstan: Orto Tokoi, Naryn, At-Bashy; as well as cultural program (Ala-Archa, Burana, Issyk Kul, Cholpon-Ata, Petroglyph, etc.)

Prerequisites: Civil, ecology or environmental engineering students. Power engineering, Power mechanic students. Especially young engineers are addressed who already have the engineering background in water related topics. Engineering and related subjects with a keen interest in the topic and in the region of Kyrgyzstan can apply.

Other: The participants of the summer school will receive a certificate of the Kyrgyz State Technical University with 3-5 ECTS and a grade, which is recognized by universities in Europe and other countries around the world.

Registration: All interested sides must complete a registration documents and apply to kstusummerschool@gmail.com

Application deadline:10/06/2025

Contact for information: 

Ms. Venera Baichekirova, Head of IRD

Address of Summer school office:

Kyrgyz Republic, 720044, Bishkek. Prospect Ch. Aitmatov 66, Room 1/335

Tel: +996 312 547 759;      Fax: +996 312 545 162