KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Institute of Architecture and Design
Mission of the Department of Architecture:
Training of bachelors, masters and PhD students in architecture who are capable of solving contemporary architectural problems.
• Development of mutually beneficial partnerships with domestic and foreign educational institutions, scientific and specialized organizations in the context of the formation of a single architectural community.
• Improving the quality of methodological, informational and personnel support for scientific and educational activities;
Education of a bright creative personality with leadership qualities, striving for professional
At present, the Department of Architecture is one of the most advanced graduating departments of the Institute of Architecture and Design of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.
Our department prepares:
bachelors in the field of 750100 "Architecture" in the profiles
• Architecture of buildings and structures;
• Monumental and memorial architecture;
• Landscape architecture;
• Masters in the field of 750100 "Architecture" according to the program:
• Design of architectural and urban planning objects;
• Doctor of PhD in the field of 750100 "Architecture" according to the program:
• Methodology of designing the architecture of buildings and complexes;
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Institute of Architecture and Design Architecture
Mission of the Department of Architecture:
Training of bachelors, masters and PhD students in architecture who are capable of solving contemporary architectural problems.
• Development of mutually beneficial partnerships with domestic and foreign educational institutions, scientific and specialized organizations in the context of the formation of a single architectural community.
• Improving the quality of methodological, informational and personnel support for scientific and educational activities;
Education of a bright creative personality with leadership qualities, striving for professional
At present, the Department of Architecture is one of the most advanced graduating departments of the Institute of Architecture and Design of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.
Our department prepares:
bachelors in the field of 750100 "Architecture" in the profiles
• Architecture of buildings and structures;
• Monumental and memorial architecture;
• Landscape architecture;
• Masters in the field of 750100 "Architecture" according to the program:
• Design of architectural and urban planning objects;
• Doctor of PhD in the field of 750100 "Architecture" according to the program:
• Methodology of designing the architecture of buildings and complexes;