Youth Center
Structural divisions of the Youth Center:
- Folk folklore ensemble "Academy of Talents";
- of the Folk Dance Ensemble "USTA";
- of the Drama Studio "Art-Muras";
- "ILGIR" Creative Youth Club;
- Vocal club "Usta Stars";
- volunteer club "POLYTECHNIC".
The main functions of the studios are aimed at the free choice of each student according to personal interests for classes outside of school hours and the organization of their leisure time. These student organizations carry out cultural and educational work, organize cultural trips, excursions, celebrations and other events. They create an environment for the realization of students' creative abilities, whose talents manifest themselves through participation in competitions, exhibitions, poetry evenings and debates. Young people learn management skills and acquire a culture of social behavior, are brought up according to the principle of openness of society and democratization of public relations. A modern personality with a high culture is being formed at the university. Students acquire business communication skills, learn to be a leader, a production manager, develop a sense of aesthetic perception of beauty, and become involved in art.
Contact information: worker (0312) 56-34-53.