Objectives and results of training under the educational program "Economic Security"
The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified specialists who are able to solve complex problems of ensuring the economic security of the country, region, enterprises, organizations, individuals, to solve national, regional and local problems.
A graduate who has mastered the program, in accordance with the type of professional activity that the program is focused on, should be ready to solve the following professional tasks:
design and economic activity:
- preparation of tasks and development of design solutions taking into account the uncertainty factor;
- preparation of tasks and development of methodological and regulatory documents, as well as proposals and measures for the implementation of developed projects and programs;
- preparation of tasks and development of a system of socio-economic indicators of economic entities;
- preparation of economic sections of plans of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership;
-development of a strategy for the behavior of economic agents in various markets;
analytical activity:
- development and justification of socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities and methods of their calculation;
- search, analysis and evaluation of information sources for economic calculations;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of projects taking into account the uncertainty factor;
- analysis of existing forms of management organization; development and justification of proposals for their improvement;
- forecasting the dynamics of the main socio-economic indicators of the enterprise, industry, region and the economy as a whole;
organizational and managerial activities:
- organization of creative teams for solving economic and social problems and their management;
- development of strategies for the development and functioning of enterprises, organizations and their individual divisions;
- management of economic services and divisions of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, state and municipal authorities.
Objectives and results of training in the educational program "Marketing"
The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified specialists who are able to conduct marketing research in various areas (market research, goods/services, consumers, intermediaries, competitors, marketing environment and elements of the marketing mix) for subsequent strategic decision-making by business entities in the field of market segmentation, target segment selection, positioning (repositioning) of goods/services of business entities, development of corporate and instrumental strategies.
A graduate who has mastered the program, in accordance with the type (types) of professional activity that the program is focused on, should be ready to solve the following professional tasks
• development of measures to improve the organization of the activities of all departments, including: planning, forecasting, cost management and logistics, logistics, sales;
implementation of marketing research and market segmentation;
participation in the development of service strategy and tactics, marketing budget and business plan of the enterprise;
organization, planning and coordination of enterprise management activities and formation of the company's market strategy;
implementation of marketing analysis and control;
management and control over the activities of enterprises in general.
Objectives and results of training under the educational program "Economics"
The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified specialists capable of solving issues of improving society, economy, production, science and the development of new technologies.
A graduate who has mastered the program, in accordance with the type (types) of professional activity that the program is focused on, should be ready to solve the following professional tasks
• know approaches to management and content of planning, organization of production, investment and innovation activities;
the main characteristics and processes of the national economy, labor market, logistics, social economy in modern conditions of globalization;
choose the necessary forms of organization of production and management, make management decisions;
be able to use human and financial resources effectively;
build and use models to describe and predict economic processes and phenomena;
deeply analyze and comprehend socially significant problems and processes and use the methods of socio-humanities and fundamental sciences in their work;
work in a team, defend your point of view, propose new solutions, some of which may deserve publications at the national or international level;
contribute to the implementation of economic reforms in the republic and directions of economic development of the country.