The mission of the Branch is high - quality training of highly qualified personnel, competitive in the labor market, ready for professional growth, through the effective organization of scientific and educational processes.
The goal of the Branch is to increase the competitiveness of the graduates of the Branch in the labor market; the role of the branch in the socio-economic, scientific, technical and socio-cultural space of the Kyrgyz Republic, ensuring the sustainability of its development through effective organization of scientific and educational processes.
The vision of the Branch is training, development and education of a personality capable of successfully working in any country in the world and showing their creative potential in a modern society.
• Quality – providing our customers with services that meet or exceed their expectations.
• We adhere to high ethical standards in our work. ..we respect our customers, partners and employees as unique individuals with individual needs and aspirations. Honest and decent in relation to themselves, work, university, colleagues and students.
• We strive to use modern technologies and new developments in the fieldprofessionalis
The main tasks of the mission
The main tasks of the mission are:
Improvement of educational activities Continuous improvement of the quality of student training in the western part of the Chui region in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for the implementation of educational programs through the introduction of modern educationaltechnologies that form the required competencies and provide access to the best educational resources and technologies.
Development of cooperation. Expansion of the practice base through social partnership with employers; cooperation in the formation of the content of educational programs;
Development of human resources. ..continuous improvement of the professional level of teachers and staff, stimulation of their scientific and methodological activities in order to improve the quality of educational services, ensure their career growth;
Development and improvement of the efficiency of research activities of the Branch
Ensuring the development of infrastructure and material and technical base of the Branch.
Organization of active career guidance work.
Strengthening the image of the Branch.
Expected results
Expected results of implementation:
A consistently high contingent of students.
A system of quality education that meets modern requirements and the needs of the labor market.
Accreditation of programs – a procedure for assessing the level of quality of educational programs was carried out in order to recognize their compliance with the requirements and criteria established not lower than the requirements of the relevant state educational standards;
The release of competitive personnel, of a high level.
Improvement of the infrastructure and improvement of the material and technical, educational and methodological base of the branch, necessary for the implementation of educational programs.
High level of indicators of qualification and competence of employees and teachers.