Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages conduct English, French and German to the 1st year students of full-time and distance education.
The department's development strategy for 2021-2025
and development plan of the Foreign Languages Department of I. Razzakov KSTU.
Preamble: The strategic plan of development reveals the mission, purpose, priority directions of development, strategic objectives of the department in the spheres of activity and is a basic document in the development of medium-term and short-term plans, determining the key principles of decision-making in the current activities of the department.
Goal: To achieve the formation and establishment of the department's team, providing a high level of educational activity by improving the qualification of staff, and the use of modern innovative teaching technologies in the educational process with the use of advanced technical means: modern teaching technologies, grammar stands, multimedia equipment for practical classes, modern software for practical classes, etc. To ensure a high level of training of bachelor and master students in terms of foreign language proficiency.
In accordance with the set goal the following tasks are set:
Educational work
1. active participation of the department in professional forums, seminars, trainings on the issues of the content, methodology and methods of teaching a foreign language in non-language universities.
2. updating and improvement of the contents of UMKD in accordance with the requirements of the current GOST KR on a permanent basis.
3. Systematic quality control of teaching by the department on the basis of formal criteria of compliance with the adopted content of the discipline and the necessary forms of conducting and organizing classes, possibly with the provision of the educational process with departmental teaching and methodological materials.
4. Continuous professional development of teachers through: participation in trainings, seminars, conferences (including online conferences), refresher courses, master classes, open classes, mutual learning and tutoring by experienced teachers, etc.
5. Systematic quality control of students' education by means of surveys and/or questionnaires.
Educational and methodological work
1. For disciplines “Foreign language” (Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate), “Technical foreign language”, “English language” systematically update electronic versions of teaching materials, audio and video courses. All electronic materials should be placed on the portal: www.avn.kstu.kg, online.kstu.kg, which are available for students in KSTU named after I. Razzakov.
2. For disciplines “Foreign language” (Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate), “Technical foreign language”, “English language” to update, publish teaching aids, methodical instructions with the use of modern improved technologies in the field of mastering foreign languages.
3. Revision of forms and methods of organization of control of extracurricular work with students.
4. Updating the base of educational and methodical developments in the Kyrgyz language.
5. Continue and intensify the work on English language courses for university faculty.
6. To continue active work on attracting Fulbrighters, specialists in the field of English language teaching in the educational process through the U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic.
7. To purchase textbooks on business English of Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate New Inside Out levels, as well as on KSTU directions.
Material and technical base
1. equipping the language resource center 2/622 and the computer class 2/610 with information technologies, stands provided for studying foreign languages on a permanent basis;
2. equipping the departmental stand with new resource stands for independent works in the office 2/610;
3. To carry out repair of the auditorium 2/610 and 2/606 as far as possible;
4. Replenishment of educational free programs on studying foreign languages (2/622, 2/610).
Scientific-research work
1. Carrying out research work on the theme of the department:
“Improvement of the methodology of teaching foreign language in non-language university”.
2. The staff of the department to take an active part in international projects and online conferences.
3. To hold conferences with the involvement of native speakers, specialists in the field of English language teaching on the theme of the department.
Professional development
In this direction, the development strategy will be related to ensuring a high level of the faculty of the department through retraining and professional development of employees.
For young staff and teachers of the department to recommend the passage of professional development courses on the level of teaching skills in the following areas:
- Fundamentals of the organization of the educational process for young teachers;
- Psychology and pedagogy of higher school;
- Active teaching methods in the modern educational process;
- Information and interactive technologies.
1. Participation in the programs of international mobility of employees through various funds and programs of the European Union (Erasmus Plus), as well as professional development in universities of the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad is of great importance in training and improving their professional skills;
2. Associate professors of the department to strengthen the work on mentoring and conducting training seminars for young employees and teachers of the department.
3. To continue active work on organizing and conducting trainings, seminars for teachers of English with the involvement of native speakers, specialists in the field of English language teaching through the established volunteer organization KGTESOL in Bishkek on teaching methods.
International cooperation
Establishment of international relations is aimed at activating the staff of the department in the international integration process associated with mutual exchange of experience and implementation of joint, both scientific and educational projects with colleagues abroad.
To continue active cooperation with the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic to attract native speakers, specialists in the field of English language teaching, who make a significant contribution to the development of the English language at the university.