Profile: "Technology and management in mechanical engineering"
Profile: "Production Engineering"
Vacancies for graduates:
Industrial and repair enterprises (mechanical engineering, instrumentation, power machines, mining equipment); Management structures of industrial enterprises, municipalities, ministries and departments; Design and Technology Bureau and institutes; Research institutes (Academies of Sciences, universities, Colleges) Private entrepreneurship
Profile: "Technology of structural materials"
Vacancies for graduates:
Industrial production of parts and products made of metals, plastics, glass, ceramics, basalt, stone, precious metals; Research and testing of structural materials (Public and private structures and institutions); Industrial enterprises (mechanical engineering, instrumentation, energy machinery, mining equipment); Research institutes (Academies of Sciences, universities, Colleges); Private entrepreneurship.
In accordance with the legislation in the field of higher professional education, the main mechanism for ensuring the quality of education is the independent accreditation of educational programs. The independent accreditation procedure consists of two main stages – the self-examination procedure and the external evaluation procedure. In 2020, all educational programs of the department in both areas of higher professional education are independently accredited by the Bilim-Standard Accreditation Agency. By now, the first stage of the accreditation procedure has been completed – in accordance with the university's order, a self-assessment of educational programs for compliance with accreditation standards has been carried out. Based on the results of the first stage, a self-assessment report was compiled on the cluster of educational programs of the 650,000 block of directions, which includes all educational programs of the department and is submitted for external examination by the expert commission of the accreditation agency.