Educational and methodological work

Educational and methodological work.

Employees of the department are active in the development of textbooks, teaching aids and educational and methodological materials for their educational programs. Over the past five years, the department staff have developed and published 17 textbooks and teaching aids, 46 educational and methodical guides and instructions.

 Teaching-methodical and training materials included in UMKD reflect the current level of science development, provide a logically consistent presentation of educational material, provide the use of modern methods and technical means of intensification of the learning process, allowing students to deeply master the learning materials and acquire skills for their use in practice. The composition and content of UMKD are regularly reviewed and updated by including new educational and teaching materials that more fully reflect the current state of the scientific-theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching the discipline.

Students are provided with basic educational and methodical literature, teaching aids necessary for the organization of the educational process in all disciplines of the curriculum in accordance with the standards established by the State Standards of Higher Education.