Students are trained according to the curriculum for the preparation of bachelors and masters of engineering and technology , specialties corresponding to the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education ;
The work programs of the disciplines assigned to the department were developed in accordance with the State Standards of Higher Professional Education in the areas 690300 - “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems” and 690200 - “Radio engineering” , approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Republic dated September 15, 2015, No. 1179/1.
At the department, all teaching materials of disciplines are compiled in accordance with established requirements. For all assigned disciplines there are teaching materials, approved work programs and syllabuses and they are posted on the avn educational portal . kstu . kg .
In this regard, the department works on the basis of state standards for areas approved (2017, 2018 and 2022 ) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic , as well as approved educational work programs. The work programs of the disciplines are compiled in accordance with the modular rating system of training. The department annually develops and publishes methodological works on disciplines, and also creates an electronic database of educational materials (lecture notes, work programs, etc.)
Monitoring and annual assessment of the content of disciplines, taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology (minutes of the methodological council , department meetings, etc.).
Organization of monitoring of students' knowledge is carried out systematically and on a regular basis. The contents of the disciplines are considered at a meeting of the department.
Mutual visits , exchange of experience on the use of modern educational technologies. Control over the quality of teaching disciplines. Results of testing the quality of teaching activities.
The work of the faculty and teaching staff of the department is carried out in accordance with the schedule, training schedule and consultations. Quality control of classes is carried out in accordance with the schedule of mutual visits and is filled out in the journal of mutual visits . A journal for mutual visits is available at the department.
The use of innovative educational and methodological resources, pedagogical methods, forms and technologies in order to improve the quality of education.
Teachers of the department use such technologies in the educational process as:
LabView – a program for building and modeling electronic circuits and devices;
FlowCode – for programming microcontrollers;
CommView software for WiFi – Study Program WiFi , etc.