Degembaeva Nadira Kalchakeevna

Nadira Degembaeva
candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences 2007,
Academic title: associate professor
1997 - 1998 Kyrgyz Agrarian Academy, hydraulic engineer, specialty: Hydraulic construction.
1997 - 1998 Kyrgyz Agrarian Academy, hydraulic engineer
2003 – 2007 Postgraduate study at Moscow State University in environmental engineering
2015 Postdoctoral fellow at the United Nations University in the Land Restoration Program, Iceland.
2016 Associate Professor in the specialty "Hydraulic engineer"

Research work:
2002-2007 "Influence of herbaceous vegetation on the change in the hydraulic characteristics of the flow during natural restoration of rivers."
2014-2017 "Ecosystem services and potential for sustainable management of floodplains along the Naryn and Tarim rivers in Central Asia"..
2015 "Development of hydrological modeling of the Fnoska River".
2016-2022 "Use of renewable energy sources".
2022 "Analysis of the state of soils in the foothill zones of the Chui".

International projects:
- Preservation of selected ecosystem services in the coastal areas of the Naryn River (Kyrgyzstan) - using renewable energy technologies and short-term copses, including sustainable land and water management and capacity building;
- ECOCAR - Assessment of Ecosystems and Potential for Sustainable Management of Floodplains along the Tarim and Naryn Rivers in Central Asia;
- Master's Program in Renewable Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Central Asia and Russia; TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR;
-Ecosystem approach to climate change in the highlands of Central Asia;
- “Conservation of Biodiversity” – a pasture infrastructure improvement project funded by the Christensen Foundation;
-Project AKF "Monitoring of pastures".

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ScopusID: 572084721011

2. Google Scholar:   Nadira Degembaeva

3. ResearcherID Web of Science: AGH-1288-2022

4. ORCID:  0000-0002-7236-2639

 5. RSCI: Authorid:6325-9047

6. ResearchGate: Nadira Degembaeva

Кабинет: campus 12, 9 office
