History of the Department
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U. Asanaliev
Industrial safety and geoecology
History of the Department
Sambaeva Damira Asanakunovna-
Head of the Department,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Professor of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, Corresponding Member of Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic
E-mail: kafpb@list.ru
Telephone: +996 (312) 61-07-79;
Website: www.kstu.kg
Address: 164 Chui Ave., 9 office.
The Department of Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources was established in 1992 at the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and a similar department was established in 1994 at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov (KSUCTA).
The Department of Industrial Safety was established by Order No. 01/39 of the Rector of the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute on 1 March 2002.
The department "Protection in Emergency Situations and Ecology" was established by order of the Rector of the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) No.1 of 28 February 2005.
The department "Technosphere safety" was organized by the order of the rector of KSUCTA №1/105 dated July 4, 2017 on the basis of the departments "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources" and "Water supply and sanitation", the department "Technosphere safety" of KSTU named after I. Razzakov was created in 2018 as part of the Faculty of Energy with the merger of the department "Protection in emergency situations and ecology" and the department of technological processes and production safety "Thermal engineering and Life safety". On the basis of order No. 01-2/133 dated November 22, 2021 "Environmental protection and mining economics" and "Industrial safety" department was established at the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after academician U. Asanaliev (KGMU).
On the basis of the order of the Rector of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov "On approval of the organizational and management structure of KSTU named after I.Razzakov" № 1/135 from September 1, 2022 the department "Industrial safety and Geoecology" by combining departments " Technosphere safety" KSTU named after I.Razzakov and KSUCTA named after N.Isanov and the department "Geoecology and industrial safety" KSUG named after academician U.Asanaliev.
The department provides training specialists in specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering", specialization: "Technological Safety and Mine Rescue" and "Mining and Industrial Ecology" with the qualification "Mining Engineer"; bachelors in specialty 760300 "Technosphere safety", profile: "Environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources", "Environmental Engineering Protection", "Protection in Emergency Situations" and "Safety of Technological Processes and industries" with the award of qualifications of "Bachelor" and a Master's degree in 760300 "Technosphere Safety", programme: "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources", "Industrial Ecology and Natural Resource Management", "Protection in Emergency Situations" and "Safety of Technological Processes and Industries" with the academic degree of "Master".
The strategic goal of the department is to achieve a high level of education while training professionals with the knowledge and skills by technological competences and their effective application in their commercialisation in science, in industry and entrepreneurship.
Equipment base. The department has the following laboratories: geo-ecological, land protection, mine rescue and industrial safety, life safety, and a specially equipped rock testing area.
A mobile, portable laboratory is used for scientific research; a pH meter for water and soil pH determination; KFC-2-UHL 4.2; electronic scales NAGEMA; centrifuge TLK-1; drying cabinet 2V-151; muffle furnace MP-2UM; torsion type scales VT; microscopes WF10X and microscopes LOMO; TV, DVD, psychrometer VIT-1, mine interferometer SHI-10, noise meter, optical microbarometer, digital anemometer AP-1, anemometer ARI, micromanometer, psychrometer, cup anemometer, gas analyzer GC-4, miner's lamps, self-insulating self-rescuers ShS7M, filtering self-rescuers SPP-2, regenerative respirators RVL, rescuers GS-2, computers, and personal protective equipment: Work clothing, safety shoes, helmets, respirators, goggles, gloves, earplugs, computer base.
The staff of the department: Sambaeva D.A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Bekbolotova A.K. - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; Beishenkulova D.A. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Bakanov K.T. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Abdurakhmanov G.A. - Candidate of Geophysical Sciences, Associate Professor; Kalchoroev A.K. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Omurov J.M. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Isagalieva A.K. - Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor; Satybaldieva J.K. - Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor; Sydykov J.D. - Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor; Kalybek u. M. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Moldoshev K.O. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; Djamgyrchiev J.C. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; Berdieva M.T. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; E.A. Shabdanova - Associate Professor. - Ph.D., Associate Professor; Berdieva M.T. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; Degembaeva N.K. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Shabdanova E.A. - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor; Shapakova Ch.K. - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor; Abylmeizova B.U. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor, Stepanov S.B. - senior lecturer; Beishembiev M.S. - senior lecturer; Kuniev A.H. - senior lecturer; Makhmutov A.M. - senior lecturer; Mashirov D.A. - senior lecturer; Toktokozhoeva T.K. - senior lecturer; Sharsheeva E.B. - senior lecturer; Kochorbaeva Z.B. - senior lecturer; Egemberdieva G.A. - senior lecturer; Jailokeyeva A.M. - senior lecturer; Orozahunova S.K. - senior lecturer; Umanova N.D. - senior lecturer; Tashtanbaeva V.O. - senior lecturer; Zhapakova B.S. - senior teacher; Mambetakunov A.K. - teacher; Murzakanov A.N. - teacher; Mambetalieva Z.B. - teacher; Kubatova N.K. - teacher; Toktokunov A.I. - teacher; Irgebaev M.U. - teacher; Sarygulova Zh. – methodologist.
Activity. The department is a graduating educational structure and carries out scientific-educational, educational-methodological, organisational-educational activities; organizational and pedagogical activity; provides training of specialists in the specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering" and in the direction of qualification 760300 "Technosphere Safety". An obligatory element of education at the department is the research work of teachers and students carried out in the areas: "Environmental safety and modern problem of environmental protection", "Geo-ecological problems of mining industries and development of physical, chemical and technological bases of their safety", "Evaluation of the impact of production facilities on the environment", "Development of methods of processing waste production and consumption. Department staff and students annually participate in International and Republican scientific and technical conferences, publish research materials in Scopuc, Web of Science and RSCI journals.
Training and work placements are carried out at the following industrial practices: JSC Khaidarkan Mercury Plant, JSC Kyrgyzaltyn, JSC Talas Gold Mining Company, KAZMineralsBozymchak LLC, JSC Zhyrgalan Mine, SE Kyrgyzkomur, Sanitary-Ecological Inspection of the Bishkek City Mayor's Office, VertexGoldCompany LLC, the Kara-Keche coal deposit, PromEnergoService Plus LLC, Master RTI LLC, Gazprom-Kyrgyzstan LLC, Gazprom Neft LLC, Global Shiraljin Mining LLC, as well as organizations and agencies: Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyz-Slavic University named after B.Yeltsin, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Water Problems and Hydropower of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyz Institute of Mineral Resources, Department of Environmental Monitoring under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek Territorial Administration under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Environmental and Technical Supervision Service under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Public Foundation "Fluid", State Nature Reserve "Karatal - Japyryk", Naryn Territorial Department of Environmental Protection, Naryn State Nature Reserve, Issyk-Kul District Emergency Department, Department of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, OJSC "Severelectro", OJSC "Vostokelektro".
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U. Asanaliev Industrial safety and geoecology History of the Department
Sambaeva Damira Asanakunovna-
Head of the Department,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Professor of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, Corresponding Member of Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic
E-mail: kafpb@list.ru
Telephone: +996 (312) 61-07-79;
Website: www.kstu.kg
Address: 164 Chui Ave., 9 office.
The Department of Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources was established in 1992 at the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and a similar department was established in 1994 at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov (KSUCTA).
The Department of Industrial Safety was established by Order No. 01/39 of the Rector of the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute on 1 March 2002.
The department "Protection in Emergency Situations and Ecology" was established by order of the Rector of the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) No.1 of 28 February 2005.
The department "Technosphere safety" was organized by the order of the rector of KSUCTA №1/105 dated July 4, 2017 on the basis of the departments "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources" and "Water supply and sanitation", the department "Technosphere safety" of KSTU named after I. Razzakov was created in 2018 as part of the Faculty of Energy with the merger of the department "Protection in emergency situations and ecology" and the department of technological processes and production safety "Thermal engineering and Life safety". On the basis of order No. 01-2/133 dated November 22, 2021 "Environmental protection and mining economics" and "Industrial safety" department was established at the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after academician U. Asanaliev (KGMU).
On the basis of the order of the Rector of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov "On approval of the organizational and management structure of KSTU named after I.Razzakov" № 1/135 from September 1, 2022 the department "Industrial safety and Geoecology" by combining departments " Technosphere safety" KSTU named after I.Razzakov and KSUCTA named after N.Isanov and the department "Geoecology and industrial safety" KSUG named after academician U.Asanaliev.
The department provides training specialists in specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering", specialization: "Technological Safety and Mine Rescue" and "Mining and Industrial Ecology" with the qualification "Mining Engineer"; bachelors in specialty 760300 "Technosphere safety", profile: "Environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources", "Environmental Engineering Protection", "Protection in Emergency Situations" and "Safety of Technological Processes and industries" with the award of qualifications of "Bachelor" and a Master's degree in 760300 "Technosphere Safety", programme: "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources", "Industrial Ecology and Natural Resource Management", "Protection in Emergency Situations" and "Safety of Technological Processes and Industries" with the academic degree of "Master".
The strategic goal of the department is to achieve a high level of education while training professionals with the knowledge and skills by technological competences and their effective application in their commercialisation in science, in industry and entrepreneurship.
Equipment base. The department has the following laboratories: geo-ecological, land protection, mine rescue and industrial safety, life safety, and a specially equipped rock testing area.
A mobile, portable laboratory is used for scientific research; a pH meter for water and soil pH determination; KFC-2-UHL 4.2; electronic scales NAGEMA; centrifuge TLK-1; drying cabinet 2V-151; muffle furnace MP-2UM; torsion type scales VT; microscopes WF10X and microscopes LOMO; TV, DVD, psychrometer VIT-1, mine interferometer SHI-10, noise meter, optical microbarometer, digital anemometer AP-1, anemometer ARI, micromanometer, psychrometer, cup anemometer, gas analyzer GC-4, miner's lamps, self-insulating self-rescuers ShS7M, filtering self-rescuers SPP-2, regenerative respirators RVL, rescuers GS-2, computers, and personal protective equipment: Work clothing, safety shoes, helmets, respirators, goggles, gloves, earplugs, computer base.
The staff of the department: Sambaeva D.A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Bekbolotova A.K. - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; Beishenkulova D.A. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Bakanov K.T. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Abdurakhmanov G.A. - Candidate of Geophysical Sciences, Associate Professor; Kalchoroev A.K. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Omurov J.M. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Isagalieva A.K. - Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor; Satybaldieva J.K. - Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor; Sydykov J.D. - Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor; Kalybek u. M. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Moldoshev K.O. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; Djamgyrchiev J.C. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; Berdieva M.T. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; E.A. Shabdanova - Associate Professor. - Ph.D., Associate Professor; Berdieva M.T. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor; Degembaeva N.K. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Shabdanova E.A. - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor; Shapakova Ch.K. - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor; Abylmeizova B.U. - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor, Stepanov S.B. - senior lecturer; Beishembiev M.S. - senior lecturer; Kuniev A.H. - senior lecturer; Makhmutov A.M. - senior lecturer; Mashirov D.A. - senior lecturer; Toktokozhoeva T.K. - senior lecturer; Sharsheeva E.B. - senior lecturer; Kochorbaeva Z.B. - senior lecturer; Egemberdieva G.A. - senior lecturer; Jailokeyeva A.M. - senior lecturer; Orozahunova S.K. - senior lecturer; Umanova N.D. - senior lecturer; Tashtanbaeva V.O. - senior lecturer; Zhapakova B.S. - senior teacher; Mambetakunov A.K. - teacher; Murzakanov A.N. - teacher; Mambetalieva Z.B. - teacher; Kubatova N.K. - teacher; Toktokunov A.I. - teacher; Irgebaev M.U. - teacher; Sarygulova Zh. – methodologist.
Activity. The department is a graduating educational structure and carries out scientific-educational, educational-methodological, organisational-educational activities; organizational and pedagogical activity; provides training of specialists in the specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering" and in the direction of qualification 760300 "Technosphere Safety". An obligatory element of education at the department is the research work of teachers and students carried out in the areas: "Environmental safety and modern problem of environmental protection", "Geo-ecological problems of mining industries and development of physical, chemical and technological bases of their safety", "Evaluation of the impact of production facilities on the environment", "Development of methods of processing waste production and consumption. Department staff and students annually participate in International and Republican scientific and technical conferences, publish research materials in Scopuc, Web of Science and RSCI journals.
Training and work placements are carried out at the following industrial practices: JSC Khaidarkan Mercury Plant, JSC Kyrgyzaltyn, JSC Talas Gold Mining Company, KAZMineralsBozymchak LLC, JSC Zhyrgalan Mine, SE Kyrgyzkomur, Sanitary-Ecological Inspection of the Bishkek City Mayor's Office, VertexGoldCompany LLC, the Kara-Keche coal deposit, PromEnergoService Plus LLC, Master RTI LLC, Gazprom-Kyrgyzstan LLC, Gazprom Neft LLC, Global Shiraljin Mining LLC, as well as organizations and agencies: Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyz-Slavic University named after B.Yeltsin, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Water Problems and Hydropower of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyz Institute of Mineral Resources, Department of Environmental Monitoring under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek Territorial Administration under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Environmental and Technical Supervision Service under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Public Foundation "Fluid", State Nature Reserve "Karatal - Japyryk", Naryn Territorial Department of Environmental Protection, Naryn State Nature Reserve, Issyk-Kul District Emergency Department, Department of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, OJSC "Severelectro", OJSC "Vostokelektro".