Educational activity

The department is a graduating educational structure and carries out scientific and educational, teaching and methodical, organizational and pedagogical activity; provides training of specialists in the specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering" and in the direction of qualification 760300 "Technosphere Safety". An obligatory element of education at the department is the research work of teachers and students: "Environmental safety and the modern problem of environmental protection", "Geo-ecological problems of mining production and development of physical and chemical and technological bases of their safety", "Evaluation of the impact of industrial facilities on the environment", "Development of methods of processing waste production and consumption. Employees and students of the department participate annually in International and Republican scientific and technical conferences, publish research materials in the journals Scopuc, Web of Science and RSCI.

The department is graduating, prepares specialists in accordance with the requirements of GOS VPO in the framework of the educational structure carried out scientific and educational, teaching, organizational and educational activities; provides training of specialists: specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering" (specialization: "Safety and Mine Rescue" and "Mining Ecology") with the qualification "Mining Engineer", term of study is 5 years.

The chair trains bachelors in the direction 760300 "Technosphere Safety" (profile: "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources" (EP and RIPR) and "Environmental Engineering Protection") with the qualification "Bachelor", the study period is 4 years.
The chair graduates masters in the direction 760300 "Technosphere Safety" (profile: "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources") with the academic degree of "Master", the duration of the studies is 2 years.

Today the chair has all the necessary conditions for the implementation of the full process of students' education and training of highly qualified staff in the field of environmental protection, techno-sphere safety, as well as specialists in the field of production processes safety.
The Department has the appropriate areas of training and laboratory complex with developed educational and methodological complexes and material and technical base for the implementation of planned training sessions, as well as for scientific research.

The teaching work of the teaching staff of the department is planned in accordance with the SES, curricula and distribution of hours according to the staff schedule. Individual plans of teachers, calendar and thematic plans of lectures, schedule of missed classes are made in accordance with the curriculum of the department, annually discussed and approved at the meeting of the department before the beginning of the academic year. The curriculum is implemented in full every year.

In the course of their studies, students undergo an orientation, industrial and pre-graduation internship, during which they become acquainted with the possible locations of their future professional activities, with the functioning of natural and natural-technical systems directly on the ground, visit the relevant enterprises and organisations in order to get acquainted in detail with their activities, possible employment, deepen their knowledge and understanding of the functioning of industrial facilities, acquire the experience necessary to.

The Depertment conducts all types of training sessions for both full-time and distance learning. The educational process is organized in strict accordance with the annually approved working curricula and schedules of the educational process of full-time and distance learning. The academic work at the Department is regulated by the schedule of classroom training sessions, the schedule of consultations and the schedule of the examination session.

The courses are based on the up-to-date teaching technologies. Students acquire sufficient knowledge about the national production and engineering methods in environmental and industrial safety, as well as environmental monitoring methods, audit, expertise, medical and biological bases of safety, reliability of technical systems and technogenic risks, technosphere safety management, safety supervision and control, radiation safety, stability of natural and technogenic objects. With the aim of providing high quality lectures, one of the most important types of educational work, the lecturers of the faculty use multimedia equipment and give lectures with the application of audio and video materials.

The department is a graduating educational structure and carries out scientific and educational, teaching and methodical, organizational and pedagogical activity; provides training of specialists in the specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering" and in the direction of qualification 760300 "Technosphere Safety". An obligatory element of education at the department is the research work of teachers and students: "Environmental safety and the modern problem of environmental protection", "Geo-ecological problems of mining industries and the development of physical and chemical and technological bases of their safety", "Evaluation of the impact of industrial facilities on the environment", "Development of methods of processing waste production and consumption. Employees and students of the department participate annually in international and republican scientific-technical conferences, publish their materials in the journals Scopuc, Web of Science and RSCI.

The department is graduating, prepares specialists in accordance with the requirements of GOS VPO in the framework of the educational structure is carried out scientific and educational, educational, organizational and educational activities, provides training of specialists: specialty 630003 "Mining Engineering" (specialization: "Safety and Mine Rescue" and "Mining Ecology") with the qualification "Mining Engineer", term of study is 5 years.

The department trains bachelors in 760300 "Safety Engineering" (profile: "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources" (EP and RIPR) and "Environmental Protection Engineering") with the qualification "Bachelor", the term of study is 4 years.
The chair issues masters in the direction 760300 "Engineering Security" (profile: "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources") with the academic degree of "Master", the period of studies is 2 years.

The department has the appropriate areas of teaching and laboratory complex with developed teaching and methodological complexes and material and technical base for the implementation of planned training sessions, as well as for scientific research.

The teaching work of the teaching staff of the department is planned in accordance with the basic educational program, curricula and distribution of hours according to the staffing schedule. Individual plans of teachers, calendar and thematic plans of lectures, schedule of missed classes are made in accordance with the curriculum of the department, annually discussed and approved at the meeting of the department before the beginning of the academic year. The curriculum is fulfilled in full every year.

The Department conducts all types of training sessions for both full-time and distance learning. The educational process is organized in strict accordance with the annually approved working curricula and schedules of the educational process of full-time and distance learning. Educational work at the Department is regulated by the schedule of classroom training sessions, schedule of consultations and schedule of the examination session.

In the course of training students pass educational and introductory, industrial and pregraduation practice during which they get acquainted with possible places of future professional activity, with features of functioning of natural and natural-technical systems directly on district, visit the profile enterprises and the organizations with the purpose of detailed acquaintance to their activity, possible employment, deepening of knowledge and understanding of principles of functioning of objects of industrial branch.