To the applicant

Preparation of specialisation:
"Technological safety and mine rescue".
Conduct researches and realisation of methods and technical means of maintenance of safety of work at the enterprises, development of systems of anti-emergency protection of mining enterprises, safety of carrying out of emergency operations.

"Mining ecology"
provides a set of methods, techniques and tools aimed at creating new technologies for environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, forecasting of risks and man-made loads to ensure the safety of human life.

"Technosphere Safety"
addresses the protection of people and nature from anthropogenic impacts arising from both natural processes and human activities. 

All citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as citizens of other states with secondary education, are eligible for admission to university.
The following documents must be submitted for admission to university, for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic:
- ORT results, additionally mathematics or physics;
- application with indication of department and speciality;
- secondary education document;
- 6 photos (3x4 cm);
- Passport and military registration certificate or military service card.
Foreign nationals submit the same documents, except for the ORT.

Graduates from the department can work in a variety of industries:
- mining and mining and metallurgical industries;
- Sanitary and epidemiological services (SES);
- Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- State Agency on Standardisation and Metrology under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- State Fire Service Agency under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Educational units (schools, lyceums, universities);
- research and design institutes;
- "green" movements;
- international organizations, funds and environmental projects; gazprom, etc.
- Gazprom, etc.