Tairova Asel Asylbekovna

Tairova Asel Asylbekovna
Senior Lecturer

Date of birth: 1986.01.07.

Education: Higher Technological engineer – Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanova. Specialty: Production of building materials, products and structures. 2003-2008.

Master - Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanova Specialty: Building materials science. 2014

In 2015, she entered graduate school at KSUST, specialty 05.23.05.– “Building materials and products”

Work experience: 2006-2008 engineer cafe PESMIK 2008-2009 as an assistant teacher PESMIK. From 2014 to the present teacher of the department. PESMIK

Knowledge of languages: Kyrgyz, Russian- fluently, English- elementary

In 2015, I attended a training seminar on the topic: “Issues of the legal protection of intellectual property, the use of patent and non-patent information and the commercialization of intellectual property” in the State IP Fund.

from February 2 to March 4, 2019 successfully completed a continuing education course in Engineering Pedagogy under the program Psychological and Pedagogical Fundamentals of Pedagogical Activity at the Engineering and Pedagogical Center for Advanced Studies of KSUST with assignment of a certificate;

From 03.06 to 06.06.2019, she underwent short-term training under the program "Management System ISO 9001: 2015 and Internal Audit as part of ISO 19011-2018" at the Center for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel at the Center for Strategic Management at the Ministry of Economics of the Kyrgyz Republic, U-233 certificate dated 7.06 was awarded .2019

Publications: Published 9 articles, 1 methodical instruction

Profiles in scientometric databases:

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-6147-9375

ResearcherID Web of Science: HPF-0801-2023.  

Google Scholar: Асель Таирова

Researchgate.net: Асель Таирова

РИНЦ AuthorID: AuthorID: 1197261

Приёмная: Campus 2, building 9, 1st floor

Телефон: +996500643664

Кабинет: 117

e-mail: a.tairova@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: 9:00-16:00