Pedagogical Council

The Pedagogical Council of SVE (College), a collegial advisory body that considers fundamental issues of the educational process.

The council includes the director of the college, deputy directors and heads of structural divisions that ensure the organization of the educational process, as well as the teaching staff of the college. A secretary is elected from the council.

The Pedagogical Council of SVE (College):

• determines the directions and prospects for the development of the SVE (College);

• considers and approves curricula and programs in areas of training and specialties and their compliance with state standards;

• considers issues related to the participation of SVE (College) in Kyrgyz and international educational projects;

• approves the time, place and agenda of the conference of teaching and other categories of employees and students at the College;

• considers issues of creating divisions, reorganization and liquidation of divisions of SVE (College) and makes relevant proposals to the Academic Council of the University;

• approves plans and reports on the educational work of the divisions of SVE (College);

• hears reports from the director and, if necessary, heads of departments and other employees of SVE (College);

• submits proposals for awarding honorary titles to employees of SVE (College) for consideration by the Academic Council of the University, nominates candidates for prizes and special scholarships;

• exercises other powers assigned to his competence by the University Charter, local regulatory acts of the university and college.

Decisions of the Pedagogical Council of SVE (College) on all issues of academic work are taken by open voting by a simple majority of votes and are considered valid if more than 2/3 of the members of the Council participate in the meeting.

Meetings of the Council of SVE (College) are formalized in minutes, which are signed by the chairman and the Secretary of the Council.