Spring semester of 2024-2025 a.y. for a period of 4 months.
Number and program of scholarships for mobility:
1 student of bachelor program in area of study 061 (ICT)
Academic requirements:
Overall grade – above Good 3.00 (ECTS C);
Language requirements to participate:
B2 level of English
List of documents for applying*:
• Application (you will receive the form at the room 1/335 - KSTU)
• Copy of international passport (first spread)
• Certificate from the place of study/work
• Transcript in English
• Personal resume in English
• Certificate of English, minimum level B2 (if available)
*Each host organization puts forward its own list of documents, which will be slightly different from the list above.
Application submission process and deadlines:
It is necessary to send scanned documents no later than 10/10/2024 to E-mail: academ_mobility@kstu.kg сс: venera.baichekirova@kstu.kg or submit them to office 1/335 of the KSTU main campus from 09.00 to 17.00 (break 13:00 - 14:00). All documents must be completed in English.