
Round table in honor of the 70th anniversary of Obozov Alaibek Dzhumabekovich

On May 28, 2024, the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov is hosting a round table dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic and academician of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic Alaybek Dzhumabekovich Obozov. 
The theme of the event is “Science, education, energy - the basis for the development of society.”The purpose of the round table is to discuss issues of the development of science and scientific research aimed at the implementation of both fundamental and applied results in various fields of energy. 
Participants of the event get acquainted with the results of the latest scientific achievements, new technologies and research methods.On the agenda are discussions of the current state of the fuel and energy complex of the republic, its operating features and prospects for further development. 
Particular attention is paid to the exchange of knowledge and experience in promoting advanced methods of teaching and training specialists, including highly qualified scientific personnel.
The round table promotes the establishment of contacts and exchange of opinions between scientists, teachers and practitioners on the most pressing and important issues in the field of science, energy and education.

International scientific and technical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Kasymova Valentina Makhmutova

On May 15, 2024, within the walls of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of sustainable development of the green economy and energy in the context of the energy crisis and modern challenges of adaptation to climate change” was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of birth of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic, Full Member of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Energy Engineer of the CIS, Excellent Student in Industry and Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic Valetina Makhmutovna Kasymova.The conference included a plenary session and work in sections:
Section 1. “Sustainable development of the green economy and energy, increasing energy efficiency and ways out of the energy crisis”;
Section 2. “Ensuring energy security and reliability of the energy system of the Kyrgyz Republic in the conditions of adaptation to climate change”;
The conference was opened and made a welcoming speech by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of KSTU named after I. Razzakov - Ph.D., Associate Professor. Arzybaev A.M. The plenary session of the conference was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Director of the Green Energy Fund under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic ( Orozbaev E.B.), Deputy Head of the Department of the Committee of Fuel and Energy Complex, Subsoil Use and Industrial Policy of the Jogorku Kenesh (Maratbekov B.M.), representatives of the scientific elite of the Kyrgyz Republic: Kozhogulov K.Ch. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, President of Engineering  Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Vice-President of MIA, Alymkulov K.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,Full member of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic and MIA, Honored Worker of Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, Begaliev U.T. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of MIIT, Honored Economist of the Kyrgyz Republic KNU named after Zh. Balasagyn Professor Doctor of Economics Sayakbaeva A.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Advisor to the Rector of National Research University KEU named after. I. Ryskulbekova Kamchybekov T.K., President of the “Association of Women in the Energy Industry of Kyrgyzstan” Abdykerimova A., energy veteran, representative of the Democratic Party and Women of the Kyrgyz Republic Musaeva A.M.With congratulatory words in honor of the 80th birthday of Prof. Kasymova V.M. as an iconic leader, major scientist and organizer, they spoke from the leading Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic (National Research University “KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov”, KNU named after Zh. Balasagyn, KRSU named after B. N. Yeltsin, MUIT), large organizations in the field of energy of the KR ( OJSC “Electric Stations”, OJSC “National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan”, OJSC “Bishkekteploset”, State Enterprise “Kyrgyzkomur”, OJSC “Chakan HPP”, Climate Finance Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, Association of Women Energy Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic)teams of the Higher School of Economics and Business and the Energy Institute of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, students of Professor V.M. Kasymova. (Guzov I.P., Ph.D. Arkhangelskaya A.V., Ph.D. Kurmanova A.M., Ph.D. Omurzakova Zh.K., Absamatova E.K., Ishenaliev A.A., Bakytova A.I., Abdykerimova A.R., Dandybaev E.E., Asanbaev B., Shaylobekova G., etc.).The invited guests and conference participants expressed their deep gratitude to V.K. Kasymova. for his invaluable contribution to the development of domestic science and the energy system of the Kyrgyz Republic, for many years of conscientious and fruitful work in the training of energy specialists. In the congratulatory speech they wished him good health, inexhaustible energy, good spirits, happiness and prosperity.During the plenary session, during the video, guests and participants of the conference were given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the rich professional and scientific biography of V.M. Kasymova; a report was heard from Kasymova V.M. on the topic “The main activities of creating a scientific school of economics and energy in the Kyrgyz Republic.”
➡️After the plenary session, the conference participants began work in sections, as a result of which the most relevant reports that aroused the greatest interest were identified, recommended for further publication in the News of KSTU named after I. Razzakov. The conference participants were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees and certificates of participation.

66th International Network Scientific and Technical Conference

✅29 March 2024 at KSTU named after. I. Razzakova hosted the 66th International Network Scientific and Technical Conference “Science and Innovation: Prospects and Challenges” (MCHTK) for young scientists, graduate students, doctoral students PHD, undergraduates and students with the aim of developing creative activity, integration, generalization, research scientific work of young scientists and students of Kyrgyzstan and abroad.
✅The conference was organized by Department of Science and Innovation.
The moderator was A.M. Arzybaev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, vice-rector for scientific work of KSTU. I. Razzakova.

✅The rector of KSTU named after him made a welcoming speech at the conference. I. Razzakova. candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor M.K. Chynybaev noting that
Scientific activity is always in motion and science at a university is an auxiliary factor in development and the basis of the content of educational programs.
✅Reports at the plenary session were made by the director of the Scientific and Technical Center named after. prof. Sh.A. Mambetov "Geoquantum" KSTU named after. I. Razzakova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, I. O. prof., Abdiev Arstanbek Raimbekovich on
topic: “Problems and prospects for the integrated development of the earth’s subsoil and the conservation of ecosystems in the Kyrgyz Republic", head. department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor “TPOP” Koshoeva Tolgonay Rysbekovna “Meat
yak as a promising raw material in the production of meat products,” deputy. Director for Scientific Work of the IAD, Acting Associate Professor of the Department
“Architecture”, Iskenderov Ulanbek Zholdoshbekovich “Architectural and landscape concept for the development of small towns in Kyrgyzstan.”The event program includes more than 800 reports.
✅The conference was carried out in 12 directions and 30 subsections. In all educational and scientific departments, I and I rounds were held with the participation of teaching staff, graduate students, staff, and undergraduates in a mixed format (online and offline).
Reports were presented by a number of universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.
✅All interested parties actively participated in the organization and conduct of 66
MSNTC, which contributes to the development of the scientific potential of the university community.

Science Day 2023 - "Innovation and applied technologies of the future - education priorities"

✅️November 14, 2023 at KSTU named after. I. Razzakova hosted an event dedicated to the Day of Science “Innovation and applied technologies of the future - priorities of education” with the aim of increasing the role of scientific research and scientists for the sustainable development of society and ensuring the participation of the general public in the discussion of scientific problems.

✅️The conference was organized by the Department of Science and Innovation. The moderator was B.T. Torobekov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of KSTU. I. Razzakova.

✅️The welcoming speech at the conference was given by: Head of the Department of Science of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Toktoshev Gulzhigit Isakovich. Afterwards the following were awarded: “Excellence in Education”: R. Sh. Elemanova, U. D. Dushenova, G. K. Usubalieva, I. A. Suyuntbekova, T. S. Borukeev, etc. Certificates of honor from the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic: Zhumabaeva A.N., Kudakeeva G., 3., Chylpakbaeva D.B., Esenkulova A., Z. etc.

✅️Presentations at the plenary session were made by the rector of KSTU. I. Razzakova. candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor M.K. Chynybaev, where he spoke in detail about the prospects for the development of research activities of KSTU. I. Razzakova, Director of the Research Institute "Earthquake Resistant Construction" Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor R.A. Mendekeev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, on the results of the activities of the Research Institute "Earthquake Resistant Construction" KSTU on the implementation of contractual research work, Professor M.M. Musulmanova on the problems of training highly qualified personnel in the field of food technology, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor G.M. Kudakeeva on the features and tasks of the research activities of young scientists in modern conditions.

✅️As part of Science Day, seminars, round tables, Olympiads, thematic lectures, speeches by scientists, organization of exhibitions and competitions, etc. were held in all educational and scientific departments with the participation of teaching staff, graduate students, staff, and undergraduates. d.

✅️All interested parties actively participated in the organization and conduct of Science Day 2023, which contributed to the development of the scientific potential of the university community.

Competition "Start Up KSTU 2023"

➡️Successful completion of the competition "Start Up KSTU 2023" among students and undergraduates of KSTU. I. Razzakova

➡️The Department of Science and Innovation of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (KSTU) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the “Start Up KSTU 2023” competition for students and undergraduates.

➡️This event aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial activity and innovation among academic youth was held on October 14, 2023 in the Small Assembly Hall of KSTU named after. I. Razzakova.
The "Start Up KSTU 2023" competition was organized with the aim of inspiring and supporting students and undergraduates in developing innovative projects and entrepreneurial ideas.

➡️Participants of the event presented a wide range of projects covering various fields, including technology startups, social initiatives and much more.

➡️Expert commission consisting of 11 people - successful investors such as: Vodyanov Ali-Magomed Ramazanovich General Director of Elektrosila LLC, honorary professor of KSTU; Turdaliev Eduard Manager in the field of information technology and project management; Usenov Japar Managing Partner of Smart Technologies, Aitmatov Asylbek General Director of Muras Development Center LLC, etc.

➡️The winners were: Diploma of the first degree (30,000 soms): awarded to Aitbaeva Akylay Bakytbekovna, Bayavutova Nargiza Nurlanovna, “Biodegradable packaging based on mushrooms”, second degree (20,000 soms) Sitsinsky Gleb Vladislavovich “Manufacture of body kits and painting of cars”, third degree Suyutbekov Aytenir System recycling plastic for 3D printing.

➡️It should be noted that 67 applications were submitted for the first round, of which 20 projects were selected for the 3rd round.

➡️The rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov expressed gratitude to all participants in the competition and emphasized the importance of supporting young entrepreneurs and innovators.

➡️The event ended with joyful emotions and hope for even greater innovation and entrepreneurial endeavors among KSTU students.