The department “Production and examination of building materials, products and structures” was organized as a graduating department on September 1, 1971. The initiator of the organization and the first head of the department was Savelov I.G., Honored Builder of the Kyrgyz SSR, Ph.D. prof. From 1981-1990, the head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Mavlyanov A.S. From 1990-2001, the department was headed by A.A. Abdykalykov. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof., former rector of KSUST, now advisor to the rector of KSTU. I. Razzakova.
Since 2002, she acted as head of the department, from 2005 - 2017 she headed the department, Ph.D., prof. Assakunova B.T., from 2017 - 2018 headed the department Ph.D., associate professor Abdyraimov Zh. and from 2018 -2019 headed the department Ph.D. Associate Professor Bolotov T.T. From 2019 - 2023 onwards. O. Head of the Department of PESMIK Ph.D. Associate Professor Abdyraimov Zh.A. From 2023 onwards. O. Head of the Department of PESMIK Ph.D. Associate Professor Bolotov T.T.
The teaching staff of the department consists of 12 people, including 1 professor, 6 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, 1 lecturer, 2 laboratory assistants. The first graduation of construction engineers and technologists took place in 1972. Over the past years, more than 1,200 engineers have been trained who work in Kyrgyzstan and abroad. Of the department’s graduates, 20 people defended their candidate’s dissertations, and graduates Abdykalykov A.A., Saduakasov M.S. and Kasymova M.T. defended their doctoral dissertations. The organization and planning of educational work is carried out in accordance with the curriculum of the profiles “PSK” (Production of building materials, products and structures) and “EUN” (Examination and management of real estate) in the direction 750500 “Construction”, drawn up according to the standard plan and the corresponding programs of the taught disciplines . The topics of course projects and works are compiled in accordance with the direction of the profile, in the implementation of which the results of students' research works are used. Often, course projects develop into final qualifying works (GQR). In all disciplines assigned to the PESMIC department, lectures are conducted by leading professors and associate professors: Abdykalykov A.A., Abdyraimov Zh.A., Assakunova B.T., Bolotov T.T., Dzhusupova M.A., Omurbekov I.K., Sarbaeva N.M. Laboratory and practical classes are conducted by teachers (Tekbaeva E.E., Tairova A.A., Abykaeeva A.) and research staff of the department.
From 2006-2007 academic year. year, the PESMIC department was approved to graduate in the specialty “Expertise and Real Estate Management”. The department has a laboratory equipped with modern testing equipment and is accredited in accordance with GOST RISO / IEC 17025-2000 for testing construction products in accordance with the scope of accreditation.
The department has a license to train bachelors, masters, and graduate students in the relevant field and specialty. To conduct laboratory and practical classes, branches of the department have been established at the State Agency of Architecture, Construction and Housing and Communal Services under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, OJSC "Tash Temir", Kyrgyz GISS and IP, LLC "Sheroy", LLC "Test Stroy", CJSC "Kum-Shagyl" , Land Resources Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The department pays great attention to the development and implementation of the state language in the educational process: a textbook has been published (Abdykalykov A.A., Assakunova B.T. “Mineraldyk chaptashtyrgych zattar”), (Abdykalykov A.A., Assakunova B.T., Omurbekov I.K. “Material taanuu”), a dictionary of construction terminology (Abdykalykov A.A. “Kurulush materialdary zhana buyumdary boyuncha oruscha - kyrgyzcha sozdugu”), methodological manuals and instructions for the implementation of coursework and diploma projects (VKR) have been published. (Abdyraimov Zh.A. “Kurulush zhasalgalaryn zhana constructionlaryn onduruү.” “Betondor” zhana “Autoclave materialdary” bolugu boyuncha 7,8,9 laboratoryik ishter”, Abdykalykov A.A., Assakunova B.T., Kochkorova Z.B. , Marazykova B.B. “Silikattardyn chemistry” course lecture Omurbekov I.K. “Mineraldyk chaptashtyrgych zattar”).