Syrymbekova Elmira Askarbekovna

Syrymbekova Elmira Askarbekovna
Senior lecturer

Syrymbekova Elmira Askarbekovna, born in 1988, Kyrgyz. In 2011 she graduated from KSTU named after I. Razzakov with a degree in Technology of bakery, pasta and confectionery products. In 2011 she was admitted to the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakov for the position of head of the laboratories of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies.

Syrymbekova E.A. - Competent specialist. Conducts lectures, laboratory classes, manages course projects and final qualifying works at a fairly high scientific, theoretical and methodological level. Actively engaged in scientific research and methodological work. Published 5 articles.

For all courses taught, educational and methodological complexes and lecture materials have been developed: “Fundamentals of design, construction and technology”, “General technology of food production”, “Winemaking technology”.

Syrymbekova Elmira Askarbekovna participated in the following seminars and trainings:

Fundamentals of scientific and pedagogical activity for young scientists and teachers, 2020;
Electronic library e-library: Functions and search capabilities, 2020;
Preparation of the abstract and dissertation. VAK requirements, 2020;
Fundamentals of the organization of the educational process, 2019;
Determination and improvement of the quality of wheat flour using AlveoLab, MixoLab2 devices, 2019;
ISO 22002-1 – 2009, 2017 prerequisite programs;
Fruit and vegetable processing technology, 2015;
Modern technologies for freezing fruits and vegetables, 2018;
Modern information technologies in the field of education. The use of electronic publications in the educational process, 2017;
Improving human and professional skills in:
- Oratory;

- Computer literacy;

- Drawing up a Business plan and Budgeting;

- Corporate governance and work ethics

Within the framework of the HECAFS project “Higher Education for Food Production Systems and Standards in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan:


- Hygiene and food inspection

- Quality control

Elektronduk bilim beruү karajattarynyn tuzүүnүn testөөsu;

Safety of raw materials and food.

Guidelines were developed and published in co-authorship in the following disciplines: a manual on microbiology for laboratory work for students of food specialties 700600 - SUCM, 720200 - BT, 650400 - TMT, 740300 - TVOP, 740200 - TPPPZhP, 740100 - TPPPRS "(7 p. l.); methodological manual on the discipline "General technology of the industry" for students of direction 740100 - TPPPRS (4 p.p.); guidelines for completing term papers in the discipline "Canning Technology" (4 p. l. electr. option), etc.

Syrymbekova, in the course of teaching, takes an active part in the education of young people, being a curator and academic adviser to junior and senior courses of the department. Performs public work at the department and faculty.

Responsible for career guidance at the department, participates in public events held by the faculty and the university.

Профили в наукометрических базах данных:
ORCID: 0000-0001-7505-4298

Приёмная: +996 312 561 492

Кабинет: 2/222


Гр.работы: 8:00 - 16:00

Стаж работы: 6 years