
Ceremonial event for the 70th anniversary of KSTU named after. I. Razzakova

In honor of the anniversary of the university, a solemn event was held at the Philharmonic named after. T. Satylganov, where teachers from our department participated.

70th anniversary of KSTU named after. I. Razzakova

Today is a very important and significant day. Because the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov is turning 70 years old. This is a historical date in the life of the university. Over the years, outstanding personalities of Kyrgyzstan have been produced who have achieved success not only in the country, but also at the international level. Every year, every month, every day we strive for the best and learn new things in order to build a strong foundation for our students and give them important, relevant knowledge, taking into account the rapid development and generational differences.

Happy holiday!

Start of a new academic year!

Welcome to the SE department, dear applicants!

We wish you to study well, absorb the information you need and receive everything that the university provides. We wish you to learn to use the knowledge you have acquired for the benefit of yourself and those around you. We wish you victories at the Olympiads and an interesting student life!

Mobility of teaching staff

Mobility of teaching staff from partner countries under the ERASMUS+ program “International Credit Mobility”
Associate professors of the department Makieva Z.J. and Stamkulova G.K. conducted master's classes at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganci in Portugal, participating in the ERASMUS+ program “International Credit Mobility”.
Associate Professor of the Department Makieva Z.D. gave lectures on the discipline “Development of software requirements and specifications” during the period 05/13/2019 – 05/17/2019
Associate Professor of the Department Stamkulova G.K. gave lectures on the discipline “Development Tools for Client-Server Applications” during the period 03/21/2022 - 03/25/2022

Experience, Collaboration and Innovation

KSTU Students Study the World of Technology with Skynet

February 15, 2024 students of the Kyrgyz Technical University named after. I. Razzakova plunged into the exciting world of advanced technologies, taking a tour of the office of the leading wireless Internet provider Skynet.

The meeting with Skynet representatives, held on February 7 at the university, became the starting point for the students. Company representatives shared information about their activities, including current projects and plans for the future. The opportunities for internships and internships for students offered by Skynet were also discussed, which opened up new prospects for them in the field of information technology.

During a tour of the Skynet office, which took place on February 15, students had a unique opportunity to look at the company's internal processes. They reviewed Skynet's current projects in expanding wireless Internet access and developing new technologies. Following the example of experienced specialists, students discussed cooperation opportunities and expressed interest in participating in company projects.

The students were particularly interested in the atmosphere of friendliness and cooperation in the Skynet team. Company representatives emphasized that Skynet is committed to the development of its employees and provides ample opportunities for career growth. Many students were inspired by this example and expressed hope for the opportunity to join the friendly and innovative Skynet team after completing their studies.

The students expressed deep gratitude to Skynet for the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and get acquainted with real projects in the field of information technology.

International Olympiad on Financial Security

From October 2 to 6, the final stage of the III International Olympiad on Financial Security is taking place in Sochi on the federal territory of Sirius. This year, about 500 schoolchildren and students from 19 countries became finalists: Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Brazil, China, India, South Africa, Algeria, Venezuela, Vietnam, Iran, Cuba, Namibia and Pakistan.

The Kyrgyzstan team is represented by 10 student winners of the Republican Olympiad on Financial Security, including 2 students from KSTU. I. Razzakova (Institute of Information Technologies) – Talipov Emilbek and Samarbekov Kaniet. These are students of the PKS department, group IB-1-20 in the “Information Security” direction.

As part of the International Financial Security Olympiad, students have the opportunity to ask questions and exchange ideas with financial security experts from different countries. Among the participants and visitors to the Olympics are representatives of government agencies, the banking sector, the business community, as well as international organizations.

The final week program includes about 60 different activities, including interactive workshops, panel discussions and master classes, competitions for solving economic cases, meetings with interesting people, a physical football tournament, as well as cultural events.
Thanks to participation in the Olympiad events, students can express themselves and expand their knowledge in the field of financial security, including its information and legal aspects.

Students visited Mbank

On September 15, 3rd year students of the Institute of Information Technologies visited the commercial bank Mbank. During the excursion, the guys received a lot of positive emotions, saw how specialists in the field of IT technologies work, got acquainted with the work processes of the contact center and the Mbank technology park. At the presentation, students learned new trends and tools of IT technologies used in a commercial bank.

Nowadays, it is important to develop not only hard skills, but also soft skills for a successful career. The guys asked a lot of interesting questions. A successful career begins with gaining experience in commercial banks in such areas as web development, business analytics, data science, information security.

Hackathon “Create the future of freight transport”

From June 29 to July 6, 2023, KSTU named after I. Razzakov is hosting a hackathon from CargoCode “Create the future of freight transport” in online and offline formats.

More than 100 people, 2-4 year students from all over Kyrgyzstan, are participating in the hackathon. Teams have been formed in which each participant is busy prototyping a web application for a cargo transportation system. Teams have from 3 to 10 people.

The goal of the hackathon is to create a working model of an application and web platform that connects shippers and carriers in the logistics industry, bypassing brokers, increasing transparency and efficiency, and reducing overall costs.

The total prize fund is $2000.

List of registered teams: JellyFish, Insomnia Fox, Freshmen’s, DragonDevs, Moonlight, InAct  and others.

Welcome Applicant - 2023!

The selection and enrollment of applicants based on the current year’s ORT results is carried out through the Automated Information System “Applicant Online” on the website

Dates for the selection rounds of applicants to universities for the 2023-2024 academic year

1st round                                         2nd round                                        3rd round

Beginning                                         Beginning                                         Beginning

07/17/2023,  08:00                           07/24/2023,  08:00                           07/31/2023,  08:00

Completion                                      Completion                                       Completion

07/19/2023,  14:00                           07/26/2023,  14:00                           02.08.2023,  14:00

The 4th stream of the course on Fundamentals of Data Analytics has ended

The fourth stream of the course “Fundamentals of Data Analytics” for Russian-speaking students has successfully completed.

This time, 30 participants were selected based on 141 submitted applications. 24 people reached the finish line and received certificates. Let us remind you that half of the places on the course are provided to civil servants of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Lectures and practical classes of the course were traditionally conducted by experts from the Kyrgyz State Technical University based on the curriculum of specialists from Finland.

Trainers E. B. Musabaev, Zh. S. Mukashova, Bolotbek uulu Nursultan took part from the department of Software for Computer Systems.

Hackathon DT4CE (5.05.2023 - 6.05.2023)

On May 5 and 6, the DT4CE hackathon “IT for better roads in Kyrgyzstan” was held at KSTU, in which 2-4 year students took part.

During the day, the guys demonstrated their skills in the field of data analytics, mobile and web application development, and team management skills were also demonstrated. The team leaders distributed the functional responsibilities of the participants in the teams, and the participants actively showed themselves in the competition and received cash prizes.
On May 26-28, the participants were presented with certificates by the Ambassador of the European Union to Kyrgyzstan.

Press release (results)

From May 15 to 19, 2023, as part of the seventh week of Erasmus, the educational program “Education of the Future - Challenges and Innovations” in Bulgaria was attended by Associate Professor of the Department of Software for Computer Systems Stamkulova G.K. and senior teacher Mukashova Zh.S.

The program was also attended by 19 people from countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Jordan, Georgia, etc.

The program took place at the Kaneff Center at the Ruse University named after Angel Kinchev in the city of Ruse.

In the first half of the academic week, representatives of the Angel Kynchev University of Rusen showed their innovative laboratories and conducted excursions for program participants.

In the second half of the academic week, associate professor of the Department of Software for Computer Systems, senior teacher of the Department of Software for Computer Systems Mukashova Zh.S. conducted a training session for students of the Rusen University named after Angel Kynchev in the areas of “Java development” and “Fundamentals of programming on Python”. The speakers also presented the national culture of Kyrgyzstan, demonstrating traditions, national cuisine, and finished products of Kyrgyz producers.

The speakers noted that innovations of the future are the connecting link of international universities around the world and new ideas, new knowledge make it possible to collaborate together and create new technologies of the future.

At the end of the training program, the speakers received international certificates, which will contribute to the investment of new knowledge in the development of education at KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

"Career and Practice Day"

Report on the event “Career and Practice Day”

Date: 03/28/2023

Place: KSTU named after I. Razzakov: BAZ, foyer of the main building, Kyrgyz-Korean center

Time:14:00 -16:00

Invited employers:

Tultemirov Aziz, Director of the IT Department of Halyk Bank JSC;

Gurinov A.V., Chairman of the Software Developers Association, founder of Timely Soft;

Almaz Chanachev, head of the EPAM office in the Kyrgyz Republic;

Isaeva T.Zh. - National Broadcasting Corporation;

Sedokina Alina - team leader at I-Tech International;

Maraliev T.B. – Head of the IT department at Neman Pharm LLC;

Bayaliev B.T. - representative of EasyLife company;

EcoIslamicBank Miyasarov A.O. Head of Marketing Department, Zhumabaev D.I. –Head of Human Resources Department;

Representative of Deep Technology;

IIT graduates in management positions;

IIT faculty, IIT director, IIT deputy directors, 3rd-4th year students, etc. were present.

On March 28, 2023, “Career and Practice Day” was held for graduates and senior students of KSTU named after I. Razzakov. In the first part of the event, held at the BAZ, representatives of such organizations as: IMiR-Company “Borusan Makina Kyrgyzstan” LLP, LLC “Family Traditions”, “Commercial Bank Kyrgyzstan” spoke.

The second part of the event took place in the conference hall (2/331 room) of the Kyrgyz-Korean Center for Information Access of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, where representatives of IT companies, banks engaged in web development, IT solutions spoke.

In the foyer of the main building of KSTU named after I. Razzakov from 13:00 -16:00 there was an exhibition of industrial products and a fair of vacancies and professions from the employment center of 4 districts: Oktyabrsky, Leninsky, Pervomaisky, Sverdlovsk districts.

Director of the Institute of Information Technologies Kabaeva G.D. spoke about IT specialties and shared that IIT graduates students in various fields, such as: data analytics, management of technical systems, information security. The director of IIT noted that a large contingent of students enter the specialty “Software Engineering” and by the 3-4th year, most students are partially employed.

At the event, employers presented their companies, talked about the structure and scope of the company, and invited 3rd-4th year final year students for internships.

Chairman of the Software Developers Association, founder of Timely Soft, Gurinov A.V. noted that at the moment there are about 2000-2500 employees working in the Hi-Tech Park. He noted that they are interested in startup projects and new developments. Gave recommendations to students regarding learning a foreign language and developing soft skills, since communication with people is very important when finding a job.

Almaz Chanachev, head of the EPAM office in the Kyrgyz Republic, noted that the EPAM office in the Kyrgyz Republic employs about 200 specialists. The EPAM representative office in the Kyrgyz Republic provides IT consulting services. Interns who must have key skills in the company should be: critical thinking, openness, willingness to learn, communication, knowledge of a foreign language. The EPAM representative office in the Kyrgyz Republic requires testers, developers, data analysts, project engineers, etc.

Tultemirov Aziz, director of the IT department of Halyk Bank JSC, shared that at the moment there are 60 employees in the bank’s IT department. Trainees required by the bank must have knowledge in the following areas: mobile development, service development, infrastructure department, card products (ATMs), etc. Tultemirov Aziz noted that more than 60% of trainees remain to work at the bank.

Maraliev Tilek, head of the IT department of Neman Pharm LLC, invited programmers who are proficient in the 1C program, logisticians, and product sales managers to join the company.

Bayaliev Bilim, a representative of the EasyLife company, invited 10 interns to the company,

Sedokina Alina - Team leader at I-Tech International, a graduate of the department of Software for Computer Systems, occupies a key position. The company is engaged in the automation of various business processes and the development of the country's industry. The company invites interns and is ready to train them.

All companies announced the conditions for internships and left contact information, certificates for internships, distributed leaflets, booklets, notepads, etc.

Students listened enthusiastically to employers, asked interesting questions, and submitted applications to employers.

The report was compiled by senior teacher of the department of Software for Computer Systems Mukashova Zh.


In the period from February 27 to March 24, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Financial Intelligence Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the UMC held the Second Republican Olympiad on Financial Security.

550 students from 17 universities of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in the Olympiad in the following fields:

•      economy, economic security;
•      jurisprudence;
•      international relationships;
•      Information Security.
The Olympics took place in several stages:

Online testing for university students of the Kyrgyz Republic from February 27 to March 2
Seminar on preparation for the Olympics from March 6 to 17
Team workshop and discussion panel March 22-23
Final testing on March 24
More than 100 students made it to the final round as part of teams from KSTU I. Razzakov, KNU named after. Zh. Balasagyn, KRSU named after. B.N. Yeltsin, MIIT, TSU, ASU under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after. Zh. Abdrakhmanov, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after. Major General of Police E.A. Aliyev, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic named after. K.Dikambaeva, IITiE, KEU named after. M. Ryskulbekova, MAUPFIB, MU KR, Osh State University, ZhaSU named after. B. Osmonov and IUCA.

Based on the results of the Olympics, the 10 best participants will be part of the national team of the Kyrgyz Republic and will defend the honor of the country at the International Financial Security Olympiad, which will be held in Sochi from October 9 to 13, 2023!

9 students of tthe department of Software for Computer Systems of KSTU named after I. Razzakov participated in the Olympiad in the profile “Information Security”.

In the individual championship, the winners in the “Information Security” profile were the following students from the Department of Information Security and Computer Science of KSTU. I. Razzakova:

Samarbekov Kaniet – 1st place

Talipov Emilbek – 2nd place

Guryev Alexander – 3rd place

Students of the department of Software for Computer Systems Samarbekov Kaniet, Talipov Emilbek are included in the national team of Kyrgyzstan and will represent the honor of the country at the III International Olympiad on Financial Security in Sochi.

On July 4, retraining on the topic of intelligent analysis of big data in Central Asia began at KSTU named after I. Razzakov within the framework of the Erasmus+ project

On July 4, retraining began at KSTU named after I. Razzakov on the topic of intelligent big data analysis in Central Asia within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Establishment of training and research centers and courses development on intelligent big data analysis in Central Asia” (ELBA).

The event will take place from July 4 to 8 at KSTU. I. Razzakova and gives the opportunity to participate online to listeners from Central Asian countries (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan).

The purpose of the retraining is to improve the qualifications of the teaching staff of Central Asian universities in the issues of analyzing big data and applying the acquired knowledge in the development and implementation of new disciplines in curricula.

Retraining is conducted by Prof. Branko Kavšek, big data expert from the University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia).

Two departments of the Faculty of Information Technologies of KSTU named after I. Razzakov participate in the ELBA Erasmus+ project: the department of “Computer Systems Software” and the department of “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”.

A re-training on intelligent big data analysis in Central Asia within the Erasmus+ project "Establishment of training and research centers and courses development on intelligent big data analysis in Central Asia" (ELBA) began on July 4 at KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

The event will take place in Bishkek on July 4-8 at KSTU named after I. Razzakov. It also provides access to participants from Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) who can attend the retraining online.

The purpose of the retraining is to assist the teaching staff of Central Asian universities to develop courses on intelligent analysis of big data and have them included in the curriculum in the future.

The retraining is led by Prof. Branko Kavšek, a big data expert from the University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia).

The ELBA Erasmus+ project involves two departments of the Information Technologies Faculty of KSTU named after I. Razzakov: Software Engineering, as well as Applied Mathematics and Informatics.

#Elba #ElbaProject #KSTU #BigData

We congratulate the winners of the Republican Olympiad and wish them good luck at the International Olympiad on Financial Security, which will be held in Sochi from October 10 to 14, 2022.

Dear participants of the Republican Olympiad on Financial Security!

The results of the first Republican Olympiad on financial security have been published.
Direction: Information security

1st place - Nurlan Mamyrbaev

2nd place - Reush Artem

3rd place - Ashyrbek uulu Anvar

From May 16 to May 20, 2022, retraining courses were completed at the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology as part of the ELBA project.

Mobility of teaching staff from partner countries

Mobility of teaching staff from partner countries

date: 03/21/2022 - 03/25/2022

Country of Mobility: Portugal

Sending organization:


Host organization:



REPORT on the work of the jury of the section “Information Technologies”


on the work of the jury of the section “Information Technologies” of the 64th International Network Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates, Masters and Undergraduates

“Youth in solving current problems of science, technology and education”   04/24/2022

Topics of reports:

Full name of student and supervisorTopic of reports

Topic in English


Ибраимова Айдана Анарбековна, к.т.н.доцент Искаков Р.Т.

Разработка веб-приложения для заказа и доставки продуктов питания

Development of a web application for ordering and delivering food


Талантбеков Айдар Талантбекович, к.т.н. доцент Раматов К.С.

Электронная цифровая подпись договоров ОАО “Халык Банк Кыргызстан”


Electronic digital signature of agreements of OJSC “Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan”


Гадайбаев Миристан Асанбаевич, преп.Шапранов А.В

Разработка системы учета переводов  с помощью QR-кода ОАО “Халык Банк Кыргызстан”

Development of a system for accounting for transfers using a QR code of OJSC “Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan”


Сманов Мадияр Матраимович, к.т.н.доцент Искаков Р.Т.

Разработка мобильного приложения для заказа и доставки продуктов питания

Development of a mobile application for ordering and delivering food


Коробовцев Виктор Константинович , преп.Шапранов А.В.

Автоматизированная система учета рабочего времени сотрудников ОАО «Халык Банк Кыргызстан»

Automated employees worktime tracking system application of «Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan» OJSC


Ильин Артём Игоревич, доц.,к.т.н.

Валеева А.А.

Разработка веб-приложения для менеджмента доставки банковских карт и серверной части мобильного приложения для курьеров ОАО «Халык Банк Кыргызстан»

Development of a web application for managing the delivery of bank cards and the server part of a mobile application for couriers of «Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan» OJSC


Яйха Адилага Жаватович, ст.преп.
Ашымова А. Ж.





Разработка курьерского мобильного приложения для доставки банковских карт ОАО “Халык Банк Кыргызстан” для операционных систем IOS & Android

Development of a courier mobile application for the delivery of bank cards of Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan OJSC for IOS & Android operating systems


Бакытов Данияр Бакытович, ст.преп.Беккулова К.А.

Информационная система “Открытый Образовательный Ресурс для ВУЗов и СПУЗов”

Information system “Open Education Resource for Universities and Secondary schools”


Карагулов Султан , ст.преп.Беккулова К.А.

Мобильное приложение “Открытый Образовательный Ресурс для ВУЗов и СПУЗов”

Mobile application “Open Education Resource for Universities and Secondary schools”


Колдомов Алексей Николаевич, профессор к.т.н. Тен И.Г.

Разработка программы для  учета и мониторинга ифнормационных систем

Software update registration and monitoring system


Арыкова Жанетта Талантбековна, ст.преп.

Курманалиева К.Д.

Разработка образовательной платформы для онлайн- обучения слушателей Учебно-методического центра Государственной службы финансовой разведки.

Development of an educational platform for online training of students of the Training and Methodological Center of the State Financial Intelligence Service.


Тукембаев Ариф Азизбекович,  к.т.н. доцент Раматов К.С.

Веб-ориентированное клиент-серверное по учету материальных и финансовых средств преприятия постельного белья ‘Goodnight’

Web-based client-server application for the accounting of material and financial resources of the company bed linen “Goodnight”



Артышова Жанна Мирланбековна, Курманалиева К.Д.

Автоматизированная система учета доставки товара из другой страны

Automated system of accounting for the delivery of goods from another country


Эшкозиева Аида Инаятила кызы, с.т .преп.

Турсалиева Э.Н

Веб-ориентированная система учета занятости поля футбольного клуба “Чуй”

Web-based accounting system for booking the field of the football club “Chui"


Авдейчик Анастасия Константиновна, профессор к.т.н. Тен И.Г.

Разработка платежного биллинга «Backpacker» для сети туристических фирм

Development of payment billing «Backpacker» for a network of travel companies 


Паршин Никита Евгеньевич, профессор к.т.н. Тен И.Г.

Разработка мобильного каталога монет Кыргызстана «Монеты Кыргызстана от древности до современности»

Development of a mobile catalog of coins of Kyrgyzstan «Coins of Kyrgyzstan from antiquity to the present»


Жаманаев Эрбол Капаралиевич, доцент

Макиева З.Дж.

Разработка веб-приложения для управления проектами по разработке программного обеспечения

Development of a web application for managing software development projects


Бабаев Берембек Русланович, доц.,к.т.н.

Валеева А.А.

Разработка веб-ориентированной интеграционной системы для ЗАО «Альфа Телеком» (Мегаком) и ОАО «Халык Банк Кыргызстан»

Development of a web-based integration system for Alfa Telecom CJSC (Megacom) and Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan OJSC


Бездорнов Марк Олегович, ст. преп.

Ашымова А.Ж.

Разработка автоматизированной системы определения ассортимента и объема выпускаемой продукции для заведения общепита

Development of an automated system for determining the range and volume of products for a public catering establishment


Джалилов Амир Якубович, доцент.

Мусина И.Р.

Разработка видеоигры в жанре roguelite с системой генерации случайных уровней на основе случайных графов

Development of a roguelite video game with a random level generation system based on random graphs


Жарков Александр Евгеньевич, доцент.

Мусина И.Р.

Разработка системы заказа медикаментов и изделий медицинского назначения для аптечного склада

Development of a system for ordering medicines and medical products for a pharmacy warehouse


Калашникова Полина Викторовна, преп.

Шапранов А.В

Разработка масштабируемой платформы для формирования аналитических отчетов Халык Банка

Development of a scalable platform for generating analytical reports of Halyk Bank


Кашанский Данил Александрович, доцент Стамкулова Г.К

Разработка веб-ориентированной системы управления выпускающей кафедрой

Development of a web-based management system for the graduating department


Кутликов Фарух Рахманджанович, доцент

Кошоева Б.Б

Автоматизированная система формирования национального институционального рейтинга высшего образования

Automated system for the formation of the national institutional ranking of higher education


Солтоноева Аайза Кубатбековна, ст.преп.

Вагнер А.А.

Разработка подсистемы «Открытые архивы» для информационной системы Kyrlibnet

Development of «The opened archives» subsystem for the Kyrlibnet information system


Цой Кристина Анатольевна, Доц.Макиева З.Д.

Разработка web-ориентированной системы для формирования рейтинга работы частных предприятий общественного питания Кыргызстана

Development of a web-based system for rating the work of private catering enterprises in Kyrgyzstan


Мурзалиев Торобай Азимканович, доцент Искаков Р.Т.

Разработка web - приложения регистрации пациентов и выдачи результатов для медицинской лабораторной информационной системы

Development of a web -application for registering patients and issuing results for a medical laboratory information system


Исраилов Улугбек Абубакирович, доцент

Макиева З.Дж.

Разработка web ориентированной системы туристической компании «Ulush Travel» для работы с клиентами и персоналом

Development of a web-oriented system for the travel company "Ulush Travel" to work with clients and staff


Медербеков Дениз Медербекович, доцент

Стамкулова Г.К.

Разработка автоматизированной системы управления кофейней

Development of a Computer-Aided Coffee Shop Management System


Сарыева Клара Кылычовна, доцент к.т.н.

Мусина И.Р.

Разработка веб-приложения для бариста и прогнозирование спроса в автоматизированной системе управления кофейней

Development of a web application for barista and forecasting of demand in computer-aided system for management the coffee shop



Our administrators and training masters

completed a refresher course.

Completion of the 2022 - 2023 academic year

Teachers of the department of Software for Computer Systems held the last meeting of the department for the 2022-2023 academic year, where they held the results and discussed further plans for accepting applicants and developing the educational process.

A report on a working trip to Estonia and Finland was also provided. The trip was educational, where participants received valuable information about the development of digital skills.

Completion of the 2022 - 2023 academic year

Completion of the 2022 - 2023 academic year

Implementation of curricula and training programs in accordance with the current regulatory document, monitoring their implementation
The organization of the educational process at the department is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the organization of the educational process on the basis of credit technology of education (ECTS), approved by the rector of KSTU. I. Razzakova T. Duishenaliev dated June 12, 2012 No. 131.

In 2015, the OOP HPE training for bachelors and masters in the direction 710400 “Software Engineering” and the OEP HPE training bachelors in the direction 590100 “Information Security” were developed, in 2017. - OOP HPE training masters in the direction 590100 “Information Security”.

Teachers of the department update work programs and educational and methodological materials at least once every 2 years. The content of work programs complies with GOST HPE KR. They provide pre-requisites and post-requisites of the courses. The competencies that the course develops, the skills acquired by students upon completion of the course, methods of teaching the discipline, types and forms of classes, knowledge assessment policy, topics of independent study, and sources used are indicated. The syllabuses of disciplines are updated every year.

Defense of coursework and projects is carried out in the presence of a commission of teachers of the department (at least 2 people) with presentations of reports prepared by students. Defense of final qualifying works (FQW) is carried out using multimedia equipment.

The qualification level of lecturers, teachers, and education specialists meets the necessary requirements for training bachelors and masters in the areas of “Software Engineering” and “Information Security”.

Students of the department are provided with methodological instructions for course design and preparation of high-tech projects. All topics of the WRC are relevant, of an applied nature and are not repeated. According to reviews from third-party members of the State Certification Commission, the defense of final works is at a high level.

The department of Software for Computer Systems has end-to-end internship programs for students in the areas of “Software Engineering” and “Information Security”. At the end of the internship, students prepare a report in the form of a presentation and a hard copy, which is accepted by a commission consisting of at least three people. Based on the results of the reports, recommendations are made for continuing work in this direction. After the end of the internship, the department hears a report from the supervisors on the students’ results. All practice topics are relevant.

The department has agreements with the following organizations: Velox Software LLC, TechnoLogistics LLC, AVN LLC, Kelechek OK, Technoland Public Foundation, College of Economics and Information Systems Design, Barchyn LLC, UniLand LLC, LLC "Kyrgyz Trust Capital" etc.

Students of the department of Software for Computer Systems undergo educational and practical training in the following companies and organizations: Transfer Group LLC, College of Economics, Information Systems Design, State Enterprise "Info-System", Web Alliance LLC, BM Technologies LLC, IT Attractor, KSTU (department POX; AVN; BIC), Halyk Bank, Kyrgyz Post Office, etc.

Master's students of the department undergo teaching practice at KSTU at the department of Software for Computer Systems, research and scientific-production practice at MEPhI (Moscow)

As a rule, students complete independent work assignments at home due to the excessive workload of computer classes. However, the department provides the opportunity to perform independent work (tasks are prescribed in work programs and syllabuses) in the computer classes of the department.

At the beginning of each semester, after establishing the class schedule, the teaching master of each computer class draws up a class workload schedule, which specifies the hours allocated for SRS. The schedule is approved by the head of the laboratory and the head of the department. Acceptance of independent work in disciplines is carried out according to the schedule posted on the notice board.

Completion of the 2022 - 2023 academic year

No news available.

At KSTU. I. Razzakova On November 28, 2023, the next bootcamp “Data Analytics Bootcamp” ended

At KSTU. I. Razzakova On November 28, 2023, the next “Data Analytics Bootcamp”, organized by the High Technology Park of the Kyrgyz Republic in partnership with KSTU, ended. The bootcamp consisted of component modules:

  1. Simulation of business cases with professor from Finland Veijo Vantinen
  2. Mathematics and statistics with a mentor from the Cramer Project with Sabitov Zh.
  3. Python programming language with senior lecturer. Musabaev E.B. and Mukashova Zh.

The bootcamp was attended by 30 participants, analysts, accountants, engineers from different sectors: NGOs, government agencies, educational institutions, commercial enterprises, and those who were also unemployed at the time of taking the course.

A total of 52 participants were registered for the advanced Data Analytics Bootcamp course, 30 of whom were selected from different fields of activity. At the end of the course, only 20 people successfully completed the courses and received certificates.

An IT specialist from Japan joined the department of Software for Computer Systems

A highly qualified employee, a volunteer from Japan, Masahiro Arai, who has vast experience in software development, modeling and testing, has joined our department. Masahiro Arai worked in large IT companies and came to us under the JICA project for 2 years in order to contribute to the development of students in the field of IT, as well as to share his knowledge and experience.

It will help expand students' creative potential in implementing projects and we are confident that our students will gain valuable experience and knowledge.