Students of the Software for Computer Systems department took an active part in the work of the 62nd International Network Scientific and Technical Conference (ISNTC) of young scientists, graduate students, undergraduates and students "Science, technology and engineering education in the digital age: ideas and solutions". 42 reports were presented at the meeting of the Information Technologies section. The student gr. Pim-1-18 Moscaleno A.A. In the competition of scientific and technical developments, students of the POKS department adequately presented 4 works, while the work of Niyazbek uulu Erkinbek took first place.
Within the framework of NIRS under the guidance of the teaching staff of the department, students of the PI and IS groups annually actively participate in scientific and technical conferences of young scientists and students of KSTU. Participants win prizes and their works are published in conference materials.
Research on the topics of research work of the department are scientific and educational in nature, the results of which will be applied in solving practical problems and give a certain effect. From a practical point of view, research conducted jointly with students (undergraduates) on the topics of final qualification works, which will then be implemented in various companies of the Kyrgyz Republic, is quite relevant and in demand.
Detailed information in the annual report of the department of Software for Computer Systems.
In 2019, the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova won an international project under the Erasmus+ program on the topic “Creation of educational and research centers and development of courses on intelligent big data analysis in Central Asia (ELBA).” The project coordinator is the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
The project is designed for 3 years, with a total budget of 994,968,00 euros, of which 74,978 euros for KSTU.
Objective of the project:
Promoting cooperation on education between the EU and partner countries. Supporting the modernization, accessibility and internationalization of higher education in partner countries. The project is aimed at increasing the academic potential of specialists at KSTU through the development and implementation of an interdisciplinary package of modular courses for bachelors, masters and specialists in big data mining (BIDA) through cooperation with industry.
Structurally, the ELBA project consists of 7 work packages:
WP1 Preparation: Mobility to Europe, Training in modern pedagogical technologies based on EU experience, Review and analysis of academic and industrial areas where IBD is mainly in demand in Central Asian countries, Analysis of EU programs on IBD.
WP2 Advanced training: Development of a program and holding a webinar on teaching English for CA employees, Training of CA employees in English, Training of CA researchers in the EU on methodologies and skills of IDB on the appropriate software, Retraining of CA researchers in IDB by EU experts in IEI CA partners.
WP3 Interdisciplinary package of IABD courses: Development of programs for the necessary courses on IBDA, Development of a course based on the IABD module, Testing of the developed IABD courses through its experimental implementation, Revision and confirmation of IABD courses.
WP4 Centers and network of IDB in universities of Central Asian partners: Purchase of equipment/literature and installation of software for IDB centers, Development and creation of a professional and academic network of IDB between project partners.
WP5 Quality Plan: Training in the use of cloud project management platforms using a webinar, Quality control and monitoring of project activities using the implemented cloud project management platform, External experience of developed course packages and IDB centers, Preparation of the final project report based on the implemented cloud project management platform .
WP6 Dissemination and Operations: Develop a dissemination roadmap and monitor project dissemination using a cloud management platform, Develop a project website, Disseminate IDB training courses and project expertise to regional education and industry communities, Establish a base knowledge of the IDB shared through the project website; Organizing competition in IDB applications between CA partner universities, expanding cooperation between industry and CA-EU partner universities.
WP7: Defining the responsibilities of partners during the project, Managing all academic activities, Managing administrative and financial works.
During the project, the university will develop an interdisciplinary package of modular courses on IABD for undergraduate and graduate programs, create a training and research center for a total amount of 23,512 euros and an academic and professional network of IABD specialists among partner universities in Central Asia. The project consortium consists of partners from 3 EU universities and 10 Central Asian countries and 11 partners from industry and education.
Employees of the departments “PMI”, “Software for Computer Systems” and the department of international relations are involved in the implementation of the project.
Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
— Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova
— Osh Technological University
Foreign partners:
Turin Polytechnic University (Italy)
University of Primorska (Slovenia)
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan)
Urgench State University named after al-Khorezmi (Uzbekistan)
Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Operation of Highways (Uzbekistan)
International University of Information Technologies (Kazakhstan)
Kostanay State University named after. A. Baitursynova (Kazakhstan)
Technological University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan)
Kulyab Institute of Technology and Innovation Management (Tajikistan)