Teachers of the department in 2013-2015 took part in the TEMPUS-project "QUADRIGA" in the field of IT within the framework of the National Qualifications Framework and Intersectoral Qualifications for studying at KSTU (participation of KSTU entrepreneurs is funded by the European Union). The project is applied and innovative in nature: it complies with the requirements of the Bologna principles and agreements within the qualification work.
Teachers of the department Saliev A.B., Makieva Z.Zh., Karimova G.T. took part in 4 webinars in the international projects TEMPUS "INARM" and "QUADRIGA" (Saliev A.B. 1 report). Teachers also took part in seminars and round tables, conferences ("KUADRIGA", KSTU, APTO). Ministry of Defense of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Labor, as well as Kaz. rep. (KIMEP - Astana, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Almaty), in Koblenz, Germany.
By agreement with the Moscow Research Nuclear University (NRNU) "MEPhI", since 2016 the department of Software for Computer Systems has been conducting joint training of masters in the direction 590100 "IB". In 2018, a new program was developed, according to which masters study for the first year at KSTU, and the second year at the Moscow National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. Under this new program, 2 master's students completed their studies this year.
In 2019, together with NRNU MEPhI POKS signed an agreement for the joint training of masters in the direction 710400 "PI". In 2019, a program was developed according to which SE masters, as well as IS masters, study for the first year at KSTU, and for the second year at the Moscow National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. This year, one student entered the first course in SOP with NRNU MEPhI and studied for one year.