The department is actively working to educate students. Curators of groups are engaged in educational work at the department. Senior curator from the department - senior teacher Arzymbaeva A.E. Educational work is supervised by the head. cafe Saliev A.B. If necessary, parents of problem students are called. Group curators, academic advisors, and then the head of the department conduct conversations with both parents and students.
At the beginning of the year, study groups are distributed among the teachers of the department and a plan for the educational work of the department is drawn up based on the plan submitted by the faculty.
Planning and conducting educational work with students of groups is reflected in the journals of curators' work. Plans are discussed at a meeting of the department. The work of curators is controlled by the senior curator of the department and the head of the department. Curators' reports are heard at department meetings.
13 teachers are engaged in curatorial work at the department.
During the 2021-2022 academic year, the curators of the groups regularly (once every two weeks according to the schedule) held curatorial hours on certain topics according to the developed plan. The issues of attendance and academic performance, relationships between students, between students and teachers, compliance with sanitary standards, and the future profession were also considered.
Participation in the activities of the department, faculty (institute), university.Кураторы кафедры проводили следующие мероприятия:
Wellness. Followed the passage of students medical examination fluorography.
Organizational and educational. Identified debtors (conducted conversations with them), low-income students, met and talked with parents of problem students, collection of biometric data of students, collection of student data to obtain university campus cards.
Cultural-mass. The curators, together with the supervised groups, took part in the events held by the faculty and KSTU. The curators of the groups, together with the groups, organized a trip to the National. Ala-Archa Park, attended mass cultural events held in the Kyrgyz Republic. On September 15, students participated in a community work day. In February, students attended the Youth Theater (Young Spectators Theatre).
Organization and holding of cultural and sports events
Students of the department of POKS actively participate in faculty and university events.
In 2021-2022 academic year students of the department of POKS actively participated in:
in dedication to the students of 2021;
62nd international network scientific and technical conference of young scientists, graduate students, undergraduates and students.
In March, students of the POKS department actively participated in the creation of mini videos on the topic: Coronavirus and distance learning.
Participation of students in olympiads, competitions and in ensuring the quality of education.
Students of the POKS department regularly take part in programming competitions organized by the department itself or other universities. In addition, they take part in applied mathematics olympiads organized on the basis of KRSU.
In May, the Institute of Intelligent Cybernetic Systems of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI held a competition in sports programming among students and schoolchildren in the ACM ICPC format, students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd courses actively participated.
In March, students of the POKS department actively participated in the Olympiad in IT-English. 3 teams of students of the department went to the finals of the Olympiad The team, which included students PIA-1-19 and PIA-2-19 Abdralieva Aishashirin, Musaeva Alina and Kadyrova Azhar, took first place. Team gr. Pia-1-18 consisting of Askerbaev Shabdan, Israilov Ulugbek, Sulaimanov Ulan took the third place.
Also, first-year students Osmonova Symbat and Tabaldiev Tair took an active part.
Organization of circles, interest clubs, etc. for students.
On Saturdays during the year, associate professor Makieva Z.J. conducted classes to prepare POKS students (including undergraduates) for programming olympiads, which were attended by all interested students from 1-4 courses.
The department actively works to educate students. At the department, educational work is carried out by group curators. Senior curator from the department - senior lecturer Arzymbaeva A.E. Educational work is controlled by the head. department Saliev A. B. When necessary, parents of students are called. Group curators, academic advisors, and then the head of the department conduct conversations with both parents and students.
At the beginning of the year, study groups are distributed among the teachers of the department and a plan for the educational work of the department is drawn up based on the plan presented by the faculty.
Planning and carrying out educational work with group students is reflected in the supervisors’ work logs. Plans are discussed at a department meeting. The work of curators is controlled by the senior curator of the department and the head of the department. Supervisors' reports are heard at department meetings.
There are 13 teachers involved in curatorial work at the department.
During the academic year, group curators regularly (once every two weeks according to the schedule) conduct curatorial hours on a specific topic according to a developed plan. Issues of attendance and academic performance, relationships between students, between students and teachers, compliance with sanitary standards, and future profession were also considered.
Participation in events of the department, faculty (institute), university.
The curators of the department conduct the following events:
Wellness. They monitor students' medical examination and fluorography. Organizational and educational. They identify debtors (conduct conversations with them), low-income students, meet and talk with students’ parents, collect student data to obtain university campus cards. Cultural and mass. Curators, together with supervised groups, take part in events held by the faculty and KSTU. Group curators, together with the groups, organize a trip to the national. Ala-Archa Park, attend cultural events taking place in the Kyrgyz Republic. Students also participate in cleanup days. Organization and holding of cultural and sports events
Students of the POKS department actively participate in faculty and university events, regularly take part in programming competitions organized by the department itself or other universities.