Teachers of the department update the work programs mainly annually at least once every 2 years, educational and methodological materials at least once every 2 years. The content of work programs complies with software engineering standards. They provide prerequisites and postrequisites for courses. The competencies that the course develops, the skills acquired by students at the end of the course, the methods of teaching the discipline, the types and forms of conducting classes, the policy of assessing knowledge, the topics of self-study, the sources used are indicated. Syllabuses of disciplines are updated every year.
At the beginning of each semester, after setting the class schedule, the educational master of each computer class draws up a class workload schedule, which lists the hours allotted for IWS. The schedule is approved by the head of the laboratory and the head of the department. Acceptance of independent work in disciplines is carried out according to the schedule posted on the bulletin board.
The teachers of the department systematically publish teaching aids, which students can use both in the form of a hard copy and in the form of an electronic one. On a special computer MegaPocs there is a Buffer folder, which stores all electronic materials for each discipline. All students have access to read folder documents. Only instructors can update folder files.
The department is working towards the development of methodological support in electronic form for all disciplines: there are electronic textbooks, lecture material and assignments with methodological instructions for their implementation - in all subjects it is provided in electronic form (all this is stored in a special folder BUFFER, available to students of all forms training, on the Server). Also, all materials are posted on the KSTU portal.
Computer and blank testing is used for certification of students.
Teaching materials for each discipline have been developed, which contain a work program, a syllabus, methodological support for lectures, a glossary, methodological support for practice and laboratory work, materials for organizing and conducting student knowledge control (tests and tickets). The department has methodological guidelines for diploma design, completion of bachelor's graduation work and pre-diploma practice, as well as a work program for pre-diploma practice for full-time and part-time education for students of the same specialty.
The teaching materials for each discipline are completed in separate folders, and are also posted on the educational portal https://avn.kstu.kg/lms/Index.aspx where students log in with their login and password.