Abdrasakova Aizada Bayyshbekovna
Senior teacher
Education: Higher education. Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture. Qualification – "Certified specialist" specialty – "Mathematical methods and operations research in economics".
Scientific work: I am working on the topic "Mathematical modeling of the regional climate for certain regions of Kyrgyzstan", specialty 05.13.18. – Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages. She has published 27 scientific papers, including 20 methodological guidelines, 6 scientific articles and 1 patent.
Work experience:
From 2003 to 2007, he was a lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the N.Isanov KGUSTA (Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture)
from 2007-2022 - Senior lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the KGUSTA named after N.Isanov
since 09/01/2022 senior lecturer of the department "Information Systems in Economics" of the I.Razakov KSTU
Subjects taught: Databases, Data management, Automation of financial and economic activities, Infocommunication systems, Internet programming technology, information technology
International advanced training:
2008, India, Aptech on the course "English and IT skills"
2014, Project "Implementation of the Bachelor of Computer Science curriculum of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences at KGFI, INIT KGUSTA", Zwickau, Germany
2019, The Project "German Academic Exchange Service in
West Saxon University of Applied Sciences in INAI.KG " the city of Zwickau, Germany
2021 - "The best teacher of the CIS -2021" Nur Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan
Profiles in scientometric databases:
Google scholar: Aizada Abdrasakova
Web of science: HTN-7705-2023
ORCID: 0009-0003-1619-6984
RSCI: 5801-3858
SCOPUS: Aizada Abdrasakov