
On March 11 and April 1, a series of lectures from the Kumtor Gold Company was held for students of engineering fields of study (mechanical engineering technology, materials science). For students, this is a good opportunity to get acquainted "from the inside" with the work of a large gold mining company in the country and even get an internship there.

The lecture series was opened by the head of the Planning Department of Kumtor Gold Company Nurbek Musayev with a lecture on "Budgeting and planning of maintenance resources". The lecturer shared his personal experience of working in a gold mining company, familiarized students with the basic competencies necessary for successful work in the company, as well as the main business processes for planning and budgeting resources necessary for the maintenance of the company's production equipment.

The representative of the company's Personnel training and development department, Saikha Masimova, familiarized students with the issues of internships and internships, the requirements for participation in internship and internship programs.

The next lecture was given by the head of maintenance of ZIF Kumtor Gold Company Tugol Duishembiev, Timur Nishaev on the topic "Maintenance/repair of technological equipment of ZIF". The lecturers shared their personal experience of working in a gold mining company, familiarized students with the basic competencies necessary for successful work in the company.