History of the Institute

History of the Institute

In the 60s of the twentieth century, as a result of the impressive success of microelectronics, the rapid introduction of electronics and computer technology began in almost all areas of human activity, including the main directions of production. The need to train technicians in electronics and computer science emerged. In response to this requirement, in 1968 a general technical department called “Electronics and Microelectronics” was organized at the Frunze Polytechnic Institute. The first head of the department was Dr. Mels Karypbaevich Osmonov, who worked in this position until 1980.


 From 1980 to 1983 the chair was headed by candidate of engineering science, associate professor Akkoziev Imil Akunovich. Despite the short period of the chairmanship, Akkoziev I.A. did a significant work to raise the educational-methodical and laboratory base of the department. At that time more than 20 titles of educational and methodical literature were prepared and published, practically new educational and laboratory base for the courses: electronics, industrial electronics, analog electronic devices, pulse technology was created.


From 1983 to 1988 the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tamara Gapparovna Bazarbayeva. In connection with the great need in the republic of radio engineers, the department since 1987 became a graduating department on specialty T.25.308 “Design and technology of radio-electronic means” and received the same name.

From 1989 to 1993 the department was headed by Mr. Baktybek Iskakovich Ismailov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

In 1990 the department was renamed into the department “Radioelectronics”.The first graduation of radio engineers took place in 1992.During these years the training and laboratory base was improved, which allowed to start training in other directions in the field of radio electronics and telecommunications.

In the 90s, after the collapse of the USSR, there were problems with the training of specialists in the telecommunications industry.If before that personnel training was carried out in central higher educational institutions, mainly in specialized communication institutes of Moscow and Leningrad, now there was a need to train specialists in-house.


In 1993-1994 academic year at the meeting of the Department of “Radioelectronics” on the initiative of Nurmatov B.N. it was decided to reorient the profile of the department to the training of specialists in the direction of “Telecommunications” with the training of engineers in two specialties “Communication Networks and Switching Systems” and “Radio Communications, Broadcasting and Television” along with the training of engineers in the specialty “Design of Radio and Power Plants”. 


In these years from 1993 to 1996 years the chair was headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Klim Sadykov Sadykovich, and from 1996 to 2000 years the chair was headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Myktarbek Zhumabaev Myktarbek Zhumabaevich Zhumabaevich.

       Taking into account the world experience in training engineering personnel, relying on modern technologies of higher school education in developed countries, on July 21, 2000, KTU named after I. Razzakov and JSC “Kyrgyztelecom” decided to establish on the basis of the above-mentioned department a joint educational institution - Department of Telecommunications (DTCM) of KTU named after I. Razzakov, the founders of which were KTU and JSC “Kyrgyztelecom” on a parity basis.  Joint participation in the development of the telecommunications department of both the national telecommunications operator of the republic and the university gave positive results in training specialists for this industry.


        In March 2011, in order to improve the educational system and bring it closer to international standards, the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications (IET) was established on the basis of OTCM of KSTU named after I. Razzakov.  The scope of IET activity is: training and retraining of specialists in the field of telecommunications, electronics, information and computer technologies, economics and management at communication enterprises.      


        The teaching staff of IET are highly qualified specialists, most of them are graduates of technical universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Tashkent, Tomsk, as well as employees of OJSC “Kyrgyztelecom”, the State Agency for Communications under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Kyrgyz Broadcasting Corporation.


       The Institute consists of 4 departments, 2 of which are graduate departments: Info-communication technologies, information systems and technologies named after Acad. A. Jainakov, foreign languages, physical training and sports.


       The founders of the Institute are KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

       Currently, the Institute is a member of the development sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which includes 194 countries of the world. ITU defines international development in the field of telecommunications, broadcasting and information technology, as well as regulates the international use of radio frequencies. With the support of ITU, the Institute organizes international conferences, and has put into operation a laboratory and training complex, which includes:


- SOTSBI-U laboratory and training complex, which allows simulation of networks of communication operators, studying signaling systems and protocols in modern communication networks;

- interactive multimedia classrooms and videoconferencing auditorium, allowing to conduct classes at a modern level;


- laboratory installations on modern telecommunication and digital broadcasting nodes;

- high-speed optical access to the networks of telecommunication operators in order to study real situations on their interaction.

The acquired Interactive laboratory and training class of telecommunication technologies and protocols “SOTSBI-U” allows to actively develop distance learning, and IET staff and students have access to the most modern knowledge in this area.

        Organization of educational, scientific and industrial activities of the Institute is carried out on the basis of KSTU, OJSC “Kyrgyztelecom”, GAS and other communication enterprises. In order to actively involve students in research work, the Institute has organized a student design bureau (SDB), where they create and adjust various electronic devices, laboratory stands and much more, while gaining the necessary practical skills for future activities to work with modern technology.


       The Institute has close ties with a number of universities of the CIS countries in the field of telecommunications, including Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Ural Federal University named after M.A. Bonch


Ural Federal University named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. With these universities IET KSTU concluded agreements on joint cooperation, according to which students of the Institute have the opportunity to spend part of the educational process in the above-mentioned educational institutions with the right to receive double diplomas in case of successful defense of diploma projects.

For more than 12 years the Institute has been training specialists for all telecommunication companies of the Kyrgyz Republic, such as: “Kyrgyztelecom”, “Beeline”, “Megacom” and many others.


           IET graduates work as managers of various levels of state and private telecommunication companies.


          Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications is proud of such managers, employees and graduates as:  M.J. Zhumabayev, I. Aliyev. K., Karimov B.T., Karymshakov A.K., Karimova G.T., Aider Bekirov, Bakyt Murzabaev, Dmitry Yanko, Maksat Dzhylyshbaev and many others.