Department of Mechanics and Industrial Engineering
The Department of Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (MIE) is one of the oldest basic departments of the university, which makes a great contribution to the formation of engineering thinking and the preparation of highly educated specialists for scientific, pedagogical and industrial activities, responsible citizens, competitive in the labor market, ready for constant improving the results of their activities for the benefit of the individual, the university, society and the state.
At the time of the organization of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute (1954), the head of the department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor M.G. Potocki. Over the years, the department was headed by: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Buzin E. I, Candidate of Technical Sciences M.G. Pototsky, Medetbekov A. M., Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Ryaguzov V. N., Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences E. K. Kerimgaziev, Candidate of Technical Sciences Ormonbekov, T. O., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Duishenaliev T.B., Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Associate Professor Chynybaev M.K.
In January 2013, by the decision of the Academic Council of Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU), the department "Mechanics" was transformed into the department "Mechanics and Industrial Engineering" and became part of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute.
Currently, the head of the MIE department is Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Dotaliyeva Zh.Zh. The department employs 28 teachers, including 4 professors, 12 associate professors, 8 senior teachers and 4 teachers.
The department trains specialists in two areas:
1. 650500 "Applied mechanics" profiles "Computer modeling in engineering" (bachelors and masters) and "Digital design and industrial engineering" (bachelor)
2. 680200 "Biotechnical systems and technologies" profile: "Biomedical engineering" (bachelor).
The department is also serving in general professional disciplines: "Theoretical Mechanics", "Applied Mechanics", "Technical Mechanics", "Machine Parts and Design Basics", "Strength of Materials", etc.
At present, mutual and fruitful beneficial cooperation is being carried out with the Berlin Technical University (Germany), which is supported by the DAAD foundation (German Academic Exchange Service). According to the academic mobility program, students of the direction 680200 "Biotechnical Systems and Technologies" have the opportunity to study for one semester or more through the European Union's Erasmus + international negotiations program. Students of the direction 650500 "Applied Mechanics" go through a summer school, where they study German for one month, have an internship at the Technical University of Berlin and at enterprises (Siemens and others), and also visit theaters, museums and other cultural events.
Within the framework of cooperation, the DAAD Foundation conducts internships for KSTU teachers in German universities, German professors are invited to give lectures, and student exchange programs are also implemented to complete graduate theses and master's theses.
The department also closely cooperates with the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in Tomsk (Russia), conduct joint research conferences, olympiads and student exchanges for advanced training. The staff of the department actively participates in the international exchange programs of the European Union Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus + and others.
The material and technical base of the department includes lecture rooms equipped with modern technologies, laboratory classrooms on the strength of materials, medical equipment, an innovative laboratory equipped with appropriate equipment, two computer classes, etc.
The department is connected with production through contracts with various enterprises, where students of the directions "Applied Mechanics" and "Biotechnical Systems and Technologies" undergo training and production practices. These are mainly research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (Institute of Physical and Technical Problems, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Seismology, Institute of Physics and Mechanics of Rocks, etc.). Department of Medicines and Medical Devices under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, etc. Most of the graduates are employed according to their profile in institutions such as DLSiMI, Elpharm LLC, AlterMed LLC, Aquamedtek LLC, Kyrgyzmedservice LLC, Medical International LLC, NCO and MD, OJSC TNK DASTAN "", "KUMTOR", Kyrgyz Avtomash Radiator, LLC "Gazprom", etc.
Graduates of the department have the opportunity to continue their studies in the magistracy and postgraduate studies of KSTU. I. Razzakov; at Tomsk Polytechnic University and other foreign universities.
In 2021, the Department of MPI, within the framework of the international project of the ERASMUS + program "DERECKA / Development of PhD doctor’s degree and scientific potential of Kyrgyzstan" 609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, began training PhD doctoral students in the direction 650500 "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics".