630300 Mining

Doctoral (PhD) program in the direction of "Mining"

 Purpose and organization.

The doctoral program is designed to provide structured support for the preparation of doctoral dissertations in the context of obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) qualification and providing in-depth specialized knowledge, skills and methods based on the latest scientific research.

 Profiles: mining engineering, mining technologies; design and technological support of production facilities.

 Target audience: graduates with a master's degree and practitioners.

Disciplinary orientation (managers): mining

Interdisciplinarity: graduates with a master's degree and practitioners with higher education.

Successful graduates of the program are researchers with the necessary professional and personal competencies, who are able to make a significant contribution to the development of mining, organizational, technological and design-research preparation of production.

Advantages of the program:

Theoretical and research components;
Research program, individually selected for each doctoral student;
Targeted training for the purpose of effective development of research skills;
Development of general skills;
High chances of completing the program on time;
The graduate is able to act as an independent researcher.

The program allows the doctoral student:

to pass during training the scientific and pedagogical practice necessary for further career - that is, in fact, to work in the specialty while studying (for example, to teach);
conduct research in your own country, on the basis of a properly equipped university/scientific institution or in another foreign university during a research internship.
 Qualification model of a graduate of the doctoral program "Mining":


- demonstrates knowledge about achievements and developments in their own and related fields;

- can make a significant contribution to the development of new knowledge in a specific research area, as well as at the junction of areas.


- demonstrate the ability to independently conduct research in their own and related fields;

- critically analyze and summarize new information and ideas from different sources;

- ability to participate in international discussions in the field of research;

- formulate and make decisions for the study of the problem and effectively interpret the results of the study;

- have a broad awareness of key sources of funding and procedures for applying for a grant;

- be able to plan, organize research in their field (time management).

Personal competencies:

- applies the principles of ethical research, including the prevention of plagiarism, attribution of authorship;

- understands the importance of research for society, groups and individuals, applies guidelines for the ethical conduct of research involving humans, animals;

- demonstrates effective skills in preparing materials for publication and patenting in accordance with international quality standards;

- acts independently and as part of a research group, taking into account the opinions of colleagues;

- able to participate in national and international research projects;

- is able to bring research results to a diverse audience, including specialists /non-specialists in their field;

- proficient in teaching methods at the university, including modern educational technologies;

- demonstrates the ability to present themselves and their skills, experience and qualifications to expand the range of employment opportunities;

- able to participate in the process of transferring technology or research results to stakeholders.

 Training period

The standard term of study is three years and begins with admission to the doctoral program. In special cases, according to an individual curriculum, the study period can be extended for up to one year.

 Teaching methods

25% of the study time is devoted to the study of disciplines directly related to the object of research, subjects from related fields, teaching skills, the use of information technology, and the development of personal skills. The rest of the time is devoted to instilling research skills, as well as working on a specific research task and developing professional skills.

 Evaluation system

Specific requirements for exam results are communicated to doctoral students at the beginning of the module (semester). Credits for theoretical training are awarded with a positive assessment of the final control in the form of an exam, testing, report, project. Module exams that have not been passed can be retaken once.

The main criterion for the completion of the educational process is the development of at least 180 credits by a doctoral student, of which 60 credits of theoretical training and 120 credits of research work.

Working Curriculum