Turusbekova Nuraiym Kurmanbekovna
Director of the Polytechnic College Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Turusbekova Nuraiym Kurmanbekovna was born in 1967 on January 11 in the village of Chayek, Dzhumgal district, the Naryn region in family of employees. From 1975 to 1985 studied at high school №2 named after V. Chkalov city Naryn. In 1985 she has entered the Ivanovo textile institute named after M. Frunze and has finished in 1990. She is married. Has two children. Experience of teaching activity 25 years. She has begun work since 1990 with the Frunze polytechnical institute of Department of Technology and Design of Garments. Stages of her professional growth are connected with formation and development of «Materials Science of Sewing Production» laboratory: the educational master, the teacher, the senior teacher, training in KGTU postgraduate study, the associate professor of TILP. She is infinitely in love with the work of the teacher. From the first days of work at department Nuraiym Kurmanbekovna was engaged in creation of educational and laboratory base and methodical ensuring such disciplines as «Materials Science of Sewing Production», "Materials science and confectioning", "Metrology, standardization and certification in light industry".
Now in close contact with production laboratories of textile productions of the Republic under her management completely equipped «Materials Science of Sewing Production» laboratory functions. The laboratory is registered by necessary evident materials and stands, equipped with devices and tools, are regularly updated by the new textile materials used for production of garments. In this laboratory conditions not only for carrying out all types of occupations, but also for research works, both students, and employees and graduate students of department are created. For a row of years of Turusbekova N.K. "East World" at the Kyrgyz state technical university named after I. Razzakov is the leading researcher of Educational Scientific and technological center of textile and light industry.
I directed the scientific project on subject GANIS. Dealing with current problems in education of the younger generation, she manages to be the author of 40 scientific publications of the International and Republican level, 5 patents, 1 copyright certificate, more than 10 educational and methodical complexes, 15 educational and methodical developments, including 2 manuals with the Territory MOIN signature stamp.
In 2011, the thesis was defended for a degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.17.06 – Technology and processing of polymers and composites under the direction of the Dr.Sci.Tech., professor Imankulova A. S. I took part in development of the State educational standard of higher education in the direction – Technology and designing of products of light industry for a bachelor degree and a magistracy. For progress in scientific and pedagogical activity and faultless work in education of student's youth it is awarded with the Certificate of honor KSTU named after I. Razzakov and the Certificate of honor Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, "Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic". In «The Best Teacher of Year» nomination I became a nominee "The best senior teacher of year of technological faculty – 2007", "The best associate professor of year of technological faculty" (2013). For development of EMC on discipline "Materials science in production of products of light industry" following the results of a review competition of "EMC of disciplines on credit technologies" (KSTU of I. Razzakov) I have gained the diploma of the II degree, the graduate of the republican competition "The best innovative teaching and methodological complex of educational programs for higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of the competence approach, carried out by the Ednet Education Association.
In 2013, she was appointed director of the Polytechnic College of KGTU. I. Razzakova. Choosing a pedagogical staff, I managed to create in college a friendly and well-coordinated team of professionals aimed at the overall result! Without the talent of the leader, this can not be done! Has an endless charge of optimism and energy. She manages to combine family and almost round-the-clock work in college. The educational process at the college is pleasantly combined with a rich student life and strict rules that can not be circumvented. And, despite the severity, you will never see her without a smile!
All this shows her working capacity, the creative attitude to the duties. TILP "Muras". Caring for the esthetic education of students, introductions in the educational process of development and projects of the Muras group. All intensive activity of Turusbekova N.K. as teacher and organizer, it is directed to the improvement of the quality of the training of the future experts who, undoubtedly, will make over the course of the contribution to the development of the industrial sector of the Republic.