Derbisheva Elmira Dupenovna

Derbisheva Elmira
Director of the SVE (College) of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, N. Isanov campus

Director of the SVE (College) of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, N. Isanov campus


2008-2012 Doctoral program at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov, Doctor of Economics

1994-1997 Postgraduate program at the Kyrgyz Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Candidate of Economic Sciences

1985-1990 Frunze Polytechnic Institute. Civil Engineering Faculty, specialty "Economics and organization of construction", engineer-economist

Work experience:

September 2022 - present - Director of the SVE  (College) of the Razzakov KSTU.

September 2017 - September 2022 – Director of  SVE (College) of the Isanov KSUCTA.

June 2005 – September 2022 - head. Department of Management, the Isanov KSUCTA.

December 2014 – September 2017 - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, the Isanov KSUCTA.

September 2006 - March 2011 - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics and Management, the Isanov KSUCTA.

June 2004 – June 2005 - Deputy Director for Educational Work, Institute of Construction, Economics and Management, the Isanov KSUCTA.

September 1998 – June 2001 - Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Acting Professor of the Department of Management, the Isanov KSUCTA.

September 1993 – September 1998 - Lecturer in the Department of "Entrepreneurial Activity and Organization of Construction" of the Kyrgyz Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

February 1993 – September 1993 - Senior Laboratory Assistant, Lecturer in the Department of "Entrepreneurial Activity and Organization of Construction" of the Kyrgyz Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

September 1990 – February 1993 - Engineer in the Sector of Complex Automation of Construction Problems of the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Architecture (RIEEA).

Research work:

Has more than 70 scientific publications, participates in international, national, interuniversity scientific and practical conferences. Makes presentations at national and international scientific conferences, round tables and seminars. As an expert of the National Institute for Strategic Studies of the Kyrgyz Republic, commissioned by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, she conducted research work on the topic “Analysis of the best world practices in the development of housing construction and recommendations for application in the Kyrgyz Republic”, participated in the development by the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic of the draft State Program “Accessible housing until 2030”, including in terms of the implementation and development of accumulative schemes for financing housing construction.

Underwent internships abroad (Germany, Croatia, China, etc.).

Profiles in scient metric databases:


2. Scopus Author ID: 59179846000

3. RINTS AuthorID: SPIN-code: 4321-8246

4. Google Scholar: Derbisheva Elmira

5. Derbisheva Elmira

Телефон: 0312 59 53 92

Кабинет: N. Isanov campus, 8/213

Гр.работы: 9:00-17:45