Material and technical base:

        The department has five P-IV computers, which are used to carry out office work and prepare departmental documents and materials, to develop methodological instructions, manuals, and to carry out dissertations by graduate students, undergraduates and applicants for the department. In 2007, the department won and received as a grant technical assistance from the Embassy of the Russian Federation and KRSU named after. B. Yeltsin in the form of computer equipment and licensed educational and methodological material and a printed reference library (dictionaries, reference books, textbooks).

       In 2013, with the assistance of the partner organization GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation), an ORM office was opened with appropriate computer equipment, new furniture, repairs, a library with educational, methodological and fiction literature. The department organized the second office (2/310), with a library fund. The material and technical provision of the department in conjunction with the classroom fund of the university as a whole meets the regulatory requirements. There is internet. Provision of literature on assigned disciplines at the department is 90-100%.