The history of the department "Organization of work with youth and the development of the Russian language" is closely connected with the history of the formation of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute and KGUSTA. In 1954, the Department of the Russian Language was organized at the FPI, which was one of the most numerous and well-equipped. The students of the department, in addition to our students, were young people from different countries and peoples - Cubans, Nicaraguans, Libyans, Afghans, Angolans. Over the years of the development of the university, the department of the Russian language was also transformed.
During the period of its existence, the department of the Russian language was headed by well-known associate professors, leading methodologists, experts in their field - R.B. Bekzhanova, Yu.I. Chernysheva, T.I. Danilycheva, S.I. Aristova, P.Z. Bostonova. In 1992, after the establishment of KASI, the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages was organized. The department was headed by Assoc. P.Z.Bostonov, and then G.B.Baiterekov. In 1994, the Department of the Russian Language was merged with the Department of the Kyrgyz Language.
The head of the department was Assoc. A.M. Makhmanurov. In 1997, the section of the Russian language separated and an independent department was formed. Since 1999, the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Karakhanidi K.S. In the 2007 academic year, on the basis of the department, with the assistance of the rectorate of KSUSTA them. N. Isanov, a new specialty for Kyrgyzstan was opened - "Organization of work with youth." A license for educational activities has been issued. Education in this specialty is moving to a two-level system - bachelor's and master's degrees. According to the order dated February 26, 2014, protocol No. 6 of the department "Russian Language" was renamed "Organization of work with youth and the development of the Russian language."
Until 2018, the department was headed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. Karakhanidi K.S. He is the author of more than 40 scientific articles. Collaborates with the journal "Literary Kyrgyzstan", where he published more than 15 works of art (novellas and short stories) since September 2018, supervised by Ph.D., associate professor N.B. Khasanov, since January 2020 appointed acting. head of the department Bekturova Kenzhe Abdyrasulovna.
The Department of ORM and RRY carries out educational, educational and methodological, research, innovation, educational activities, is actively working to increase the prestige of the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after. N. Isanova, taking part in the work of the Moscow Region in the specialty "ORM", expert councils for writing Ph.D.