Abdieva Z.Et

Abdieva Zarina Edilbekovna
senior lecturer

Phone 0554 973097

Academic degree and academic title: -

Education: higher

Master of Engineering and Technology in the direction of "Electric Power" Kyrgyz Technical University named after I.Razzakov 2004

Work on a PhD thesis, topic: "Research, calculation of electricity losses in 380 V networks with asymmetric modes" Head of PhD, Professor M.A. Suerkulov.

Subjects taught:

Power supply, Electromagnetic compatibility in EE, SES design, SES Electrical networks.

Research work: Researcher

contractual research and development "Assessment of electricity losses, development of regulatory characteristics and recommendations for reducing electricity losses in distribution networks of 0.4-35 kV of JSC "Oshelectro", "Vostokelectro", "Jalabadelectro", "Severelectro", "Development of calculation methods and recommendations for reducing electricity losses in distribution networks of 0.4-35 kV", "Improving the efficiency of electrical distribution networks", customers - RECs;

cathedral research: "Improving the efficiency of electrical distribution networks and the operating modes of their elements" 2017

Research Institute of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic "Development of calculation methods and recommendations for improving the reliability and stability of the operating modes of the Kyrgyz power system, taking into account the expected commissioning of new capacities for the period up to 2021." 2020

Main publications

Educational and methodical material

1. Electricity losses in electric networks: calculation, analysis and rationing. Textbook / B., I. Razzakov KSTU; R.B. Kurzhumbaeva, Z.E. Abdieva. B., IC "Teknik", 2012. - 58 p.
2. Designing the power supply system: A textbook for the implementation of the course and diploma project / I. Razzakov KSTU; /Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Abdieva Z.E. - B.: IC "Teknik" 2014. - 81 p.
3. The certificates of the finalist of the review of the UMKD competition on credit technologies based on the competence approach of the I.Razzakov KSTU at the UMK for bachelors 2012 in the discipline "Power Supply", 2017 in the discipline "SES Design" were obtained.
4. Fundamentals of power supply, Textbook, M. Sukulov.A., Abdieva Z.E. Ul. Osmonalieva.B. Sukulov S.M./ MOiN KR, Bishkek, 2019
5. Collection of tasks for the performance of qualifying work for students of the direction "Electric power and electrical engineering" / Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Abdieva Z.E./ IC "Teknik" KSTU, 2014
6. MI for the organization and implementation of the final qualifying work of bachelors of the direction 640200 "Electric power and electrical engineering", profile "Power supply (by industry)" / Kasmambetov Kh.T., Abdieva Z.E., Sariev B.I. / IC "Arip Print", 2020
7. Program and guidelines for industrial and graduate practice for students of secondary vocational education in the specialty 140206 "Power stations, networks and systems" Kasmambetov H.T., Dzhusupbekova N.K., Abdieva Z.E. /IC "Arip Print", 2020
8. Program and guidelines for educational practice for students of secondary vocational education in the specialties 140212 "Power supply (by industry)", 140206 "Power stations, networks and systems"/ Kasmambetov H.T., Abdieva Z.E., Dubinina V.V./ IC "Arip Print", 2020
9. Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory work for students of the 640200 full-time course of study on the course "EMS in electric power industry" / Kasmambetov Kh.T., Sariev B.I., Abdieva Z.E./ IC "Teknik" KSTU, 2016


1. Kyrgyzpatent, No. 187 dated June 27, 2014. Device for automatic switching of single-phase consumers (patent)

3. Certificate No. 504 dated 4.05.2018. Load switching control with the study of asymmetry modes in electrical networks (computer program)

4. Certificate of Kyrgyzpatent No. 3351 dated 04.06.2018. Method of measuring electricity losses in electrical networks

Articles 2017-2020

Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Abdieva Z.E. Solving problems of personnel training for power engineering Izvestiya KSTU. - Bishkek, 2017. - No. 41. - pp. 92-95
Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Kasymova V.M., Abdieva Z.E., Sariev B.I., Kasmambetov H.T. Prospects of the energy strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the role of personnel training for its successful implementation International Research Journal Yekaterinburg; 2017. - № 7-3(61), - Pp. 41-44 IF 0,145
Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Abdieva Z.E, Sariev B.I., Kasmambetov H.T. The effect of voltage asymmetry on electricity losses in power supply systems (article) Scientific and Technical Journal "Automation and Software Engineering" Novosibirsk Institute of Software Systems; 2017. - No.2 (20) pp.46-51 IF 0,235
Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Abdieva Z.E., Sariev B.I., Kasmambetov H.T. Experimental study of the asymmetry of a three-phase voltage system. Scientific and Technical Bulletin of Bryansk State University, 2018, No. 2. pp. 218-225
Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Abdieva Z.E., Kasmambetov H.T. Method of measuring electricity losses in electrical networks. Kyrgyzpatent, Copyright Registration Decision No. 3446 dated 25.05.2018 (scientific article)

Professional development:

twothousandtwelve Certificate of ACNo.0164 "Energy saving in SES", MEI(TU), Moscow;
2012 - Certificate No. 258 "Technology of creation of electronic educational resources", KSTU IDO and PC;
2013 - Certificate No. 509 "Matlab in engineering and scientific tasks", KSTU IDO and PC;
2015 - Certificate No. 834 "Autocad in 2D and 3D. Drawing Technology", KSTU IDO and PC;
2015 - Certificate No. 812 "Organization of the educational process using distance learning technologies based on credit technology", KSTU IDO and PC;
2015 - certificate "Functional analysis of professional activity as a basis for designing educational programs", KITE together with MOiN;
2016 - certificate "Conflict Management", MUIT together with MOiN
2017 – training seminar on accreditation of educational organizations and programs of the Accreditation Agency "Zapattuu Bilim". Expert Certificate

Certificate of Honor of JSC "Severelectro", 2011

Certificate of Honor of I.Razzakov KSTU, 2012

Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2012

Certificate of Honor of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2013

Gratitude to KSTU named after I.Razzakov, 2014

Gratitude for active participation in the preparation and holding of the II Festival of Education in Bishkek, April 26-27, 2014

Certificate of Honor of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2017.

Total work experience: 14 years

Teaching experience: 14 years

Кабинет: 5/202

e-mail: abdievazarina@kstu.kg