Kurzhumbaeva R.B.

Kurzhumbaeva Roza Beishenbekovna
c.t.s,associate professor

Kurzhumbaeva Rosa Beishenbekovna
Ph.D., Associate Professor

Kurzhumbaeva Roza Beishenbekovna
Associate Professor of the Department of "Power Supply" of I.Razzakov KSTU,

Leading Researcher at the Institute of Energy and Communications of the I.Razzakov KSTU

Phone 0555 843 888 Kurzhumbaeva@mail.ru

Total work experience: 43 years Teaching experience:   35 years old

Academic degree and academic title: Candidate of Technical Sciences in 2013, Associate professor in the specialty "Power Engineering" in 2018.

Education: higher. Electrical engineer with a degree in “Power supply of industrial enterprises” Frunze Polytechnic Institute, 1988

Candidate of Technical Sciences, topic: "Managing the level of electricity losses in distribution networks of 0.4-35 kV" Head of PhD, Professor M.A. Suerkulov, specialty: 05.14.02 – Power plants and electric power systems. Dissertation Council D. 05.12.002

Doctoral studies work on the doctoral dissertation "Optimization of the energy balance as the basis for sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic", scientific consultant, Doctor of Economics, Professor V.M. Kasymova.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1) ScopusID _ www.scopus.com/home.uri 

2) ResearcherID Web of Science: _ A-4633-2018 www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/A-4633-2018 

3) RSCI: __Spin code: 3245-1638 www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp


ORCID:__ 0000-0003-3219-6733__

5) ResearcherGate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Roza-Kurzumbaeva

Subjects taught:

Introduction to the specialty, Power supply, Metrology, standardization and certification in the electric power industry, SES design, Installation and commissioning of SES electrical equipment, Energy saving of energy systems, Testing and operation of SES electrical equipment, Worldview and sustainable development, Energy efficiency and energy conservation, etc.

Research work: head, executive officer, lead and senior researcher

contractual research and development "Assessment of electricity losses, development of regulatory characteristics and recommendations for reducing electricity losses in 0.4-35 kV distribution networks of JSC Oshelectro, Vostokelectro, Jalabadelectro, Severelectro, "Development of calculation methods and recommendations for reducing electricity losses in 0.4-35 kV distribution networks", "Improving the efficiency of electric distribution networks", customers - RECs;

state–funded research: "Actual problems of energy saving in the SES of the Kyrgyz Republic", customer - MOiN;

according to the republican grant on the topic: "Development of measures to reduce commercial electricity losses in 0.4-35 kV electric networks", the customer is MOiN.

Research and development "Research to identify ways to improve the structure of the fuel and energy balance of the country for 2022-2026 and the prospect up to 2030, taking into account the increase in energy efficiency of the economy, the development of renewable energy sources and the expansion of international electricity trade" - Ministry of Education, 2023

Research and development of projects of the Concept of Energy development of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Energy Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Program of measures (actions) until 2030 for the implementation of the Concept and Strategy, the customer of the Ministry of Energy Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic 2015-2017, GKPEN 2020;

Research and development of the draft National Energy Program of the Kyrgyz Republic for the period up to 2035 - Ministry of Energy, 2023

Cathedral research director: "Improving the efficiency of operation of SES electrical equipment and consumer automation" in 2019; "Improving the efficiency of distribution electric networks and operating modes of their elements" in 2017.


Educational and methodical material

Electricity losses in electric networks: calculation, analysis and rationing. Textbook / B., I. Razzakov KSTU; R.B. Kurzhumbaeva, Z.E. Abdieva. B., IC "Teknik", 2012. - 58 p.
Scientific foundations of the Concept of the state energy policy and strategy for the development of the fuel and energy complex of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2030. Scientific and methodological guidance (Textbook) Kurzhumbaeva R.T., Kasymova V.M., Arkhangelskaya A.V. - BarakElde Printing House, 2017, 107 p.
Designing an electric power supply system: A textbook for completing a course project and final qualification work of bachelors /I. Razzakov KSTU; /Kurzhumbaeva R.B., Abdieva Z.E. - B.:IC "Teknik" 2020. - 81 p.
Scientific foundations for the development of an energy program and a rational structure of the fuel and energy balance of the Kyrgyz Republic for the future. A textbook under the general editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor V.M. Kasymova. Turar Publishing House. Bishkek 2023. 176 p. Kurzhumbaeva R.B. Sections 1, 3, 6, 8, editor.

The certificates of the finalist of the UMKD competition on credit technologies based on the competence approach of I.Razzakov KSTU at the UMK for bachelors were obtained (2012 in the discipline "Electricity Supply", 2014 in the discipline "Metrology, standardization and certification in the electric power industry", 2017 in the discipline "SES Design"). In 2018, the second place and a monetary reward according to the I.Razzakov KSTU for the Master's degree program "Testing and operation of SES electrical equipment".

Articles 2017-2023

R. Kurzhumbayeva.B., Abdieva Z.Solving the problem of personnel training for energy engineering Izvestiya KSU.  Bishkek, 2017. - No. 41. - pp. 92-95
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Kasymov V. N.M., Abdieva Z.E., Sariev B. N.I., Kasmambetov H.T. Prospects of the energy strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the role of personnel training for its successful implementation International Scientific Research Journal Yekaterinburg; 2017. - PP. 7-3(61). 41-44 IF 0,145
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Abdieva Z.E., Sariev B. N.I., Kasymbetov H.T. the effect of voltage asymmetry on electric power capacity in power supply systems (article) scientific and Technical journal "Automation and Software Engineering" Novosibirsk Institute of Software Systems; 2017. - No.2 (20) pp.46-51 IF 0.235
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Kasymov V. N.M.A. Arkhangelskaya.B. Analysis and forecast of ensuring the reliability of Kyrgyz energy systems in the project “Energy development concepts for the long term" (article) International Scientific Seminar named after Y.N.Rudenko; L.A. Melentyev Institute of System Energy 89th meeting of the seminar on "Research and reliability of energy systems" 2017 pp. 431-440
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Kasymov V. N.M.A. Arkhangelskaya.B. Analysis and forecast of ensuring the reliability of the Kyrgyz energy system in the draft of "Concept for the development of energy in the long-term perspective", Methodological Problems in Reliability Study of Large Energy Systems (RSES 2017); E3C Web of Conferences 25, 03007
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B. U. Sabyrbek. D. K. Mazhikova.  Analysis of the balance of electricity in the distribution companies of the Kyrgyz Republic. Izvestiya KSTU; named after I.Razzakov No. 4 (44) Bishkek 2017. pp.179-184
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Abdieva Z.E., Sariev B. N.I., Kasmambetov H.T. Experimental investigation of the asymmetry of a three-phase voltage system. Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the Bryansk State University, 2018, No. 2. pp. 218-225
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Abdieva Z.E., Kasmambetov H.T. A method for measuring electricity losses in electric networks. Kyrgyzpatent, decision on registration of the copyright object No. 3446 dated 05/25/2018 (scientific article)
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Kasymov V. N.M. A. Arkhangelskaya.V., Omurzakova J.T. Assessment of the use of fuel and energy resources and ways to optimize the fuel and energy balance of the Kyrgyz Republic modern concepts of scientific research, International Scientific Conference, Moscow. Eurasian Scientific Association " No. 2 (48) February, 2019. Part 3. pp. 163-167
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Shanazarov M.E. The study showed the dependence of electricity loss on the loading of electrical equipment by Izvestiya KSTU named after I.Razzakov Issue 1 (49) Bishkek 2019 pp. 160-165
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B. A. Arkhangelskaya.V., The role of the Smart Grid concept in the development of energy business in the Kyrgyz Republic in the context of digitalization of the economy. International scientific and practical conference: Actual problems of science and practice Gatchina readings – 2019. Geography
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Kasymov V. N.M. A. Arkhangelskaya.B. The use of mathematical methods for forecasting energy demand and optimizing the energy balance of the Kyrgyz energy system REFORMA publishing house: Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas" (Bishkek) ISSN: 1694-5158 number: 3 (83) year: 2019 21-28 IF 0.089
R. Kurzhumbayeva.B., Jeenbayeva A.T., Tsoi A.A. Research of the problem and development of measures to improve the quality of electricity scientific journal Internauka No. 22 (104) June 2019 Part 1 Moscow ISSN 2542-0348 pp. 83-85
R. Kurzhumbayeva.B., Akmatbek uulu Esenbek. Implementation of energy-saving measures to improve the energy efficiency of enterprises. I.Razzakov KSTU, materials No. 61 of the ISTC "Scientific and innovative technologies: ideas, research and development" /2019 pp. 476-481
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Askarbekov E. master's student of GRM-5-18 priority of application of differentiated tariffs, I.Razzakov KSTU, materials No. 62 MNTC"Science, Technology and engineering education in the digital age: ideas and solutions" /2020 pp. 577-585. Diploma of the 3rd degree
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Usonova A. Implementation of automation systems for electricity consumers, I.Razzakov KSTU, materials No. 62 MNTC"Science, technology and engineering education in the digital age: ideas and solutions" / 2020 pp. 585-591.
R. Kurzhumbayeva.B., Bekchoro U. Manas analyzes the loss of electricity in the distribution power companies of the Kyrgyz Republic. The journal Bulletin of the KNU named after M.R.Ryskulbekov,
R. Kurzhumbaev.B., Suleymanova Zh. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings and structures in the Kyrgyz Republic. Izvestiya KSTU named after I.Rznakov Theoretical and Applied Scientific and Technical Journal 2021 No. 1 (57) pp. 34-41.
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Kambarov M.I. Problems and prospects of renewable energy development in the Kyrgyz Republic. Materials of 64 MTS " Youth in solving urgent problems of science, technology and education " 2022 454-462
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Sukulov M.A. Biygazieva K.Zh., Sayakova A.I. Power consumption management for optimizing the parameters of the power supply system. Scientific and information journal Science and Innovative Technologies 4/2022(25)
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Kentemteev E.K. Investigation of the influence of electricity quality on the operation of electrical equipment. Collection of scientific papers of undergraduates and students of I.Razzakov KSTU Volume 4, Bishkek 2023, pp. 229-234
R. Kurzhumbaeva.B., Asankadyrov A. The impact of climate change on the energy sector of Crimea. Collection of scientific papers of undergraduates and students of I.Razzakov KSTU Volume 4, Bishkek 2023 224-229 Diploma of the 2nd degree


1. Certificate No. 196 dated December 30, 2019, the State Patent Service of the Kyrgyz Republic (computer program "integrated program for calculating electricity losses in distribution networks of 0.4-35 kV rtpknu 1.0")

2. Certificate No. 265 dated 02/20/13 (computer program "Control program of an experimental installation with automated control system elements for investigating losses in distribution networks").

3. Certificate No. 504 dated 05/24/2018. Load switching control with the study of asymmetry modes in electrical networks (computer program)

4. Certificate of Kyrgyzpatent No. 3351 dated 06/04/2018 A method for measuring electricity losses in electrical networks

Professional development:

2015 certificate No. 809 PC program "Organ. the educational process with approx. Loan-based subsidies. technologies"

2015 -certification seminar "Strategic planning of sustainable development", "Methodology of inventory of state strategic documents for compliance with the fundamentals of strategic planning of sustainable development" UNEP, UNDP, Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic

2017 - training seminar on accreditation of educational organizations and programs of the agency “quality education". Certificationsnotes

2018 - Seminar on accreditation of educational organizations and programs of the EdNet Agency Expert Certificate

2019 - General Electric Hudro Technical Training Certification Seminar

2019 - Certificate of participation in the international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of science and practice” Gatchina Readings–2019 Committee for Public and Professional Education of the Leningrad region

2020 - Certificate No. 196 of the Computer literacy program of I.Razzakov KSTU

2020 - Seminar on accreditation of educational organizations and programs of the Knowledge Standards Agency

2021  The certificate confirms the placement and loading of UMM into the educational portal of KSTU on the discipline "testing and operation of electrical equipment of SES" for undergraduates in the power supply program of the direction 640200 "Electric Power and electrical engineering"

2022 Internship certificate at Kazan State Power Engineering University, Department of "Electric Power Systems and Networks", Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan Kazan.

2023 Certificate of advanced training "IT technologies in education" October 9-20, I.Razzakov KSTU, Bishkek

2023 The certificate confirms the placement and loading of the UMM into the educational portal of KSTU mu to perform laboratory work on the discipline "SES Design" for bachelors of the direction 640200 "Electric Power and Electrical Engineering"

2023 Certificate of participation in the workshop "Foresight: the future of energy in Kyrgyzstan". Multilateral discussion in the framework of the preparation of the National Human Development Report on Energy Vulnerability, which took place on December 14-15. 


He was awarded three times with certificates of honor of KSTU. And.Razzakova;

KNTC Energia under the Ministry of Energy was awarded a Certificate of Honor for active participation in joint research work;

Certificate of Honor of JSC Severelectro for good training of personnel for enterprises of the energy system of the Kyrgyz Republic;

"Excellent student of Education" of the Kyrgyz Republic – 2011

" Excellent student of energy "" pocket " of the Kyrgyz Republic – 2011

Honorary badge of the National Energy Holding of the Kyrgyz Republic "for contribution to the development of the industry" – 2017

A letter of thanks for the successful implementation of events aimed at identifying talented youth in Kyrgyzstan and developing their professional competencies. Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2021

The diploma was awarded for a great contribution to the development of scientific and innovative activities of the university and the winner of the competition "best scientific and technical developments" held within the framework of the event "Science Week-2021" 

Телефон: 0555 843 888

Кабинет: 5/202

e-mail: kurzhumbaeva@kstu.kg