
Opening of the Cezeri Lab at KSTU: a new step in scientific cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey

On May 16, 2024, the opening of the Cezeri Lab, funded by the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), took place at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.

The opening ceremony was attended by high-ranking guests, including the Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Dogdurkul Kendirbayeva, the President of the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA) Mr. Serkan Kayalar, the rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov Mirlan Chynybaev, the TIKA Program Coordinator Mr. Mehmet Bodur, the director of TÖMER Mr. Mustafa Bulut, director of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Anadolian Women's Vocational Lyceum Adil Gezer, as well as faculty and students.

The Cezeri Lab project, funded by TIKA, aims to develop scientific research and technological innovation in Kyrgyzstan, especially in the field of 3D technologies and electronics. As part of the event, a drone developed by KSTU students was launched with the flags of Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, which symbolized the desire of the two countries to strengthen cooperation in the field of science and education.

At the ceremony, the President of TIKA, Mr. Serkan Kayalar, by decision of the Academic Council of KSTU, was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of KSTU named after I. Razzakov for his significant contribution to the development of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey in the field of education and science.

Cezeri Labs already operate in 17 countries around the world, and the new center at KSTU is the 18th. The laboratory will become an important platform for educational and research activities in the field of 3D technologies and electronics. The opening of this laboratory creates opportunities for the introduction of 3D technologies into the educational process, advanced training of teachers, and holding various events: seminars, trainings, startups, scientific research and development. It will also allow you to participate in conferences and tech festivals both in Kyrgyzstan and Turkey.

The opening of Cezeri Lab is an important step in developing the scientific potential of Kyrgyzstan and strengthening international cooperation with Turkey in the field of education and science.