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Create an integrated platform for sharing knowledge and discussing current achievements and challenges in the field of architecture, urban planning and design, taking into account current requirements and trends, such as sustainable development, climate change, environmental safety, digital transformation and economic efficiency.

This symposium will also promote the development and implementation of promising ideas, suggestions and recommendations for the development of innovative approaches and technologies in educational and professional activities, with a focus on interdisciplinary cooperation, social responsibility, inclusive and accessible architecture, urban planning and design.

An important aspect of the symposium will be the promotion of international cooperation and exchange of experience to empower professionals and organizations working in this field, as well as the promotion of common strategies and approaches aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of people in different regions of the world.


A number of events will be organized to exchange knowledge, experience and ideas between participants. The main events of the symposium include:

  • International Applied Science Conference (8 sections) - presentations and reports from leading experts and scientists on current issues of architecture, design and urban development.
  • Exhibition of creative achievements - demonstration of works, projects and ideas of the symposium participants.
  • Students Competition and Reviewof Submissions – a competition of symposium projects  in various categories, to expose talents and compete for recognition.
  • Round Table - discussions and exchange of opinions involving representatives of various professional fields and industries, focused on solving specific problems and challenges.
  • Guest lectures - presentations by renowned professionals in the field of architecture, design and urban planning, focusing on key trends and prospects for the development of the industry.
  • Training, seminars, master classes - events conducted by experienced professionals and recognized experts, dedicated to the development of specific skills and competencies of participants.


International Applied Science Conference -- Current Trends in Architecture, Urban Planning and Design. To be held in eight thematic sessions. After full verification for compliance with the requirements, articles will be considered for publication in applied science journal "Izvestiya KSTU” (Bulletin of the Kyrgyz State Technical University, reg. RISC - Russian Index of Scientific Citations),


Link for registration:

NB: Please, submit the Conference and Exhibition material to the following email address:,

Thematic Sessions

Section 1. Modern challenges in architecture and professional education;

Section 2. Historical and modern prerequisites for the formation of architectural Design Eastern and Central Asian environments;

Section 3. Modern challenges in urban development;

Section 4. Historical and cultural heritage: research, conservation and development;

Section 5. Current issues and innovations in design practice;

Section 6. Environmental safety in architecture, design and urban development;

Section 7. Information technology and computer design in architecture;

Section 8. Construction education and science.

  1. Exhibition of creative achievements. With participation of foreign and domestic architectural and construction universities, colleges, creative associations, architectural and design studios, workshops.
  2. Contest and reviewin several categories: for students -- (a) term papers and theses; for undergraduates -- (b) master's thesis; for young scientists -- (c) research development and projects.

Link for registration:

  1. Round table with stakeholders – to be held in breakout sessions with the participation of SACR, BHA, State Construction Agency (Gosstroy, Rus.) of the Kyrgyz Republic, architectural and design organizations.
  2. Guest lectures, training, seminars, master classes – conducted by leading architects and designers of the Kyrgyz Republic. Final educational event - 27 May 2023.


  • Application and registration dates: from April 20 -- until May 10, 2023.
  • Final submittion date for full papers --May 5, 2023.
  • Preparation of material -- untilMay, 15, 2023.
  • The final version of Symposium Program – until May 20, 2023.
  • Participation in Symposium – from May 24-- until May 27, 2023.
  • Summing up Symposium proceedings, and closing ceremony – May 27, 2023.


  1. Saltanat T. Kozhobaeva,,  +996778218484 (Watsap)
  2. Ulan Zh. Iskenderov, , +996559167779
  3. Mirjan E. Ibraev, , +996550204069