
On May 14-17, 2024, on an official visit within the framework of international cooperation, the delegation of KSTU named after I. Razzakov visited the Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

The delegation was headed by the rector of KSTU Chynybaev M.K., the delegation included the adviser to the rector Abdykalykov A.A., vice-rector for international relations Chymyrov A.U., director of the IAD Kozhobaeva S.T., head of the department of DAS Kozhaliev A.J., head Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moldalieva I.T., Deputy Director for Scientific Work IAD Iskenderov U.Zh.

On the first day of the meeting, May 14, an excursion was organized to the research laboratories of the National Research University MGSU, during which the delegation visited the Scientific and Educational Center for Computer Modeling of Unique Buildings, Structures and Complexes, Digital Construction and Operation, Educational, Scientific and Production Laboratory for Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic testing of building structures (UNPL AAISK, Research Institute of Building Materials and Technologies (S&T).

On the second day, May 15, an official meeting between the leadership of the National Research University MGSU and KSTU named after I. Razzakov took place. The meeting began with greetings of the parties, introduction of participants and familiarization with the activities of universities. Further, the prospects for further cooperation were discussed.

An agreement was reached to launch a summer school at KSTU. I. Razzakova - MGSU National Research University in Issyk-Kul during the period from June 20 to 30.

The summer school program will be attended by senior students from the MSSU Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning with a specialty in Urban Planning and Management, and from KSTU, students from the Institute of Architecture and Design with a specialty in Architecture, Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage, Design of the Architectural Environment will participate in the summer school.

An agreement was also reached on the launch of a joint educational master’s program in the direction of 04/07/03 Design of the architectural environment.

The meeting was held at a high level, the KSTU delegation was met by Vera Vladimirovna Galishnikova, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation.

The official meeting was held by Taimuraz Batrazovich Kaytukov, vice-rector, acting rector, also present at the meeting was Oleg Vladimirovich Ignatiev, vice-rector, Armen Yurievich Kazaryan, director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nina Vasilievna Danilina, head. Department of Urban Planning, Olga Mikhailovna Makarova, Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Olga Borisovna Guseva, Director of the Center for International Educational Integration, Vera Valerievna Agafonova, Head of the Center for the Development of Educational Programs, Vladislav Yurievich Pokazaniev, Leading Specialist in UMR CREP

Agreements have been reached on organizing internships for KSTU teaching staff at MGSU. MGSU will provide assistance in the formation and implementation of an academic program in hydraulic engineering. MGSU will provide assistance in the design of hydraulic structures on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Also, the KSTU delegation held a meeting with students sent to MGSU as part of a semester exchange in the direction of “Architecture”.