
On May 3, 2023, the ceremony of signing a cooperation agreement between the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic (NTRC) and the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (KSTU) took place.

Such cooperation is an important form of interaction between the university and the enterprise, which allows to combine the resources of KSTU and NTRK to achieve common goals and objectives in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of digital television and sound broadcasting.

The cooperation agreement was signed on behalf of the NTRC by Director General Tillebaev Bolotbek Kochkorovich and from the side of KSTU by Rector Chynybaev Mirlan Koichubekovich.

The agreement provides for the opening of a branch of the Department of Infocommunication Technologies (ICT) of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications (IET) of KSTU on the production base of NTRС.

The opening of a branch of the Department of ICT IET in the building of the NTRC will allow students to acquire the necessary practical knowledge and skills directly in existing studios in the production of television programs using modern information and telecommunication technologies.

Involvement of experienced employees of the NTRС to conduct practical and laboratory classes using television equipment and devices will allow students to better assimilate educational materials in the relevant disciplines of the bachelor's degree program "Radio Engineering".

It should be noted that it is one thing when practical classes with students are conducted using laboratory stands in a university, and a completely different effect from training using existing equipment in real production conditions, that is, complete immersion in production processes will allow the student to better understand and present his profession in real conditions of future work.

In addition to joint educational activities, KSTU and NTRK plan to conduct joint research work on industrial problems of interest to NTRK, for which the topics of scientific work of undergraduates and graduate students of KSTU will be coordinated with leading specialists of NTRС.

Also, on the basis of the branch of the ICT department, it is planned to conduct advanced training courses for NTRC employees with the involvement of the best teachers of IET KSTU.

In addition, conditions have been created for conducting advanced training courses by leading specialists of the NTRC for the faculty and teaching staff of the IET.