
On the basis of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, with the assistance of the Department of Education of the Bishkek City Hall, on February 27-28, 2023, the III stage of the Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren in natural science subjects was held.

Schoolchildren of grades 9-11 took part in the Chemistry Olympiad.

Of these, 9 participants with basic education and 8 with in-depth study of chemistry.

To conduct the Olympiad, a commission was created consisting of: the chairman of the commission - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Batkibekova M.B., members of the commission - associate professors of the department "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" Aliyeva J.E., Khusainova R.Yu., Syrymbekova E.I., Art. teacher Moldokanova D.A., teacher of chemistry Israilova A.K., associate professor of KSU named after. I. Arabaeva Sagyndykov Zh.S.

Stage III of the Olympiad included 2 rounds:

I round - Experimental, held on February 27. It included the implementation of the experimental work of schoolchildren in the laboratory.

II round - Theoretical, held on February 28. It included solving problems in chemistry.

The Olympiad was in chemistry and was held by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies.

Based on the results of the experimental and theoretical rounds in chemistry, the winners of the Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren are:

Advanced Learning:

1st place - Nurkhan Turdubaev, 10th grade, Bishkek Lyceum. Ch. Aitmatova;

(teacher Samarkulov Almir Turdaalyevich);

II place - Mamatova Aigerim, 11th grade, School - Lyceum No. 28;

(teacher Eralieva Alina Eralievna);

III place - Bektenalieva Akmaral, 11th grade, UVKSchool - gymnasium No. 12

(Abushkina Natalia Valerievna).

Basic training:

I place - Ruslanov Temirlan, 11th grade, AFMSHL UK No. 61

(teacher Lantukhova Natalya Valentinovna);

II place - Sadykov Alim, 11th grade, AFMSHL UK No. 61;

(Lantukhova Natalya Valentinovna)

III place - Aibekov Daniel, 10th grade, school - gymnasium No. 63

(Kuzmina Liliya Leonidovna).

KSTU im. I. Razzakova congratulates the winners of the Chemistry Olympiad and their teachers, wishes them new victories and achievements, and invites them to study at the most modern educational program "Chemist-Researcher"!