
As part of the working visit of the delegation of KSTU named after I. Razzakov to the People's Republic of China, under the leadership of rector Chynybaev Mirlan Koychubekovich, on August 6, an official meeting was held with the leadership of Xinjiang University.

The secretary of the party committee of the university, Mr. Xu Xianyi, made a welcoming speech and expressed the special interest of Xinjiang University in strengthening cooperation with the Kyrgyz State Technical University. and Razzakov.

University Vice-Rector for Science Professor Zhou Jianping acquainted the guests with the history, structure, educational programs and scientific activities of the university.

Xinjiang University is one of the leading universities in China and has a very high academic and scientific potential.

Chynybaev M.K., rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, spoke at the meeting. and introduced the members of the university delegation and familiarized those present with the university, emphasizing the importance of strengthening the academic mobility of students and teachers, establishing strong cooperation between universities in the field of education and science.

The Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov and Xinjiang University have a history of many years of scientific cooperation, which should be strengthened as part of the implementation of the objectives of the One Belt One Road initiative.

He invited the leadership of Xinjiang University to visit I. Razzakov KSTU in September 2023 to get to know the university better, discuss new areas of cooperation and sign a new cooperation agreement.

The delegation of KSTU named after I. Razzakov visited the key laboratories of multilingual information technologies, signal detection and processing and the Center for Digital Design and Production Technologies of the Institute of Information Technologies. There they got acquainted with the work of the ATLAS 900 supercomputer, the technologies being developed for translating and interpreting from Chinese into different languages of the world, the development of three-dimensional films and video games, as well as the modern design of industrial products. On August 7, a study tour of the KSTU delegation to the laboratories and the Training Center of the Institute of Smart Manufacturing and Modern Industrial Technologies took place, where smart manufacturing technologies, automation of industrial processes, technologies for processing superhard metals, the creation and use of unmanned aerial vehicles and underwater vehicles were of particular interest.

The leadership of the two universities agreed to establish a sustainable academic mobility of students, the exchange of teachers, the implementation of joint research projects and the opening of joint research laboratories on the basis of KSTU named after I. Razzakov.