
April 6, 2023 at KSTU. I. Razzakova hosted the III Republican Interuniversity Student Olympiad for students of 2-4 courses in economic areas of universities in Kyrgyzstan.

It was dedicated to the memory of Professor of the Department of Management Orozbaev K.O., who devoted his whole life to the training of future young economists.

Welcoming speeches at the opening of the Olympiad were made by the adviser to the rector Abdykalykov A.A., director of the Higher School of Economics and Security Sydykova Ch.K., head of the department "Management" Imankulova E.T.

The closest relatives of the unforgettable professor were invited to the event, on behalf of whom his son Kubat Orozbaev shared his warm and kind memories.

Then the floor was given to the Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth Policy Imanaliev K.O., Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce Seyitov Ch.S., Professor of KTU "Manas" Brimkulov U.N.

The Olympiad itself pursued the goal of identifying talented students, improving the quality of training qualified specialists in the field of management and creating conditions for their creative growth.

A total of 52 students from 13 universities registered: KSTU named after I. Razzakov; Osh State University; NSU named after S. Naamatov; ISU named after K. Tynystanov; BSU named after K. Karasaev; B. Yeltsin KRSU; KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov; KTU "Manas"; International Kuwait University; International University of Innovative Technologies; Adam University; Institute of Innovative Professions and International Academy of Law, Finance and Business Management.

The jury consisted of representatives of 7 different companies and organizations, and as a result, winners and prize-winners in individual and team championships were determined, awarded with official diplomas and gifts.

So, in the team tournament, the Grand Prix place was awarded to Osh State University (5000 soms);

1st place - BSU named after K. Karasaev (5000 soms);

2nd place was shared by KSTU named after I. Razakov (3000 soms) and KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov (3000 soms);

3rd place was shared by KRSU named after B. Yeltsin (2000 soms) and KTU "Manas" (2000 soms).

On a personal note

The Grand Prix was awarded to Diana Azimbayeva (MAUPFIB, 3,000 soms);

1st place - Kubanychbek kyzy Kurmanzhan (BSU named after K. Karasaev, 3000 soms);

The 2nd place was shared by Kenzhegulova Aizhan (KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov, 2000 soms) and Namikova Aida (BSU named after K. Karasaev, 2000 soms), and the 3rd place was shared by Myrzakmatova Adinay (BSU named after K. Karasaev, 1500 soms) and Almazbekova Arina (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov, 1500 soms).

At the end of the event, the rector of KSTU Chynybaev M.K. congratulated the winners and prize-winners of the competitions, handing them cash prizes, valuable gifts and certificates, and wished them success in their studies and further advancement in their future specialty. After the Olympiad, excursions to the sights of the capital were organized for non-resident participants.

We sincerely welcome the participants: dare and go only forward! You are great fellows!