

On November 23, 2023, an event was successfully held at the Republican Competence Center (RCC) at KSTU named after I. Razzakov as part of a meeting of representatives of the CIS member states, which was initiated by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov in May of this year.

At the RCC, with the support of the Technological Institute, an exhibition of dishes and drinks of Kyrgyz national cuisine was prepared and after the excursion, the guests chose the winner of the “Best School Chef of the Year” competition.

In his welcoming speech, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KSTU R.Sh. Elemanova noted the importance and relevance of the forum for improving school nutrition and spoke about the work done and achievements of the RCC.

Since 2010, in a number of CIS countries, with financial support from Russia and other donors through the UN World Food Program and others, projects to modernize national school nutrition systems have been successfully implemented.

The main idea of the forum is the exchange of experience and the formation of joint institutions and applied programs of the Commonwealth in this area, as well as tools for their implementation.

Heads of public authorities of the CIS member countries and other interested countries, representatives of leading international institutions and institutions in this field, specialized scientific, expert and commercial organizations were invited to participate in the Forum.

This Forum should become a traditional platform for meetings and exchange of views on the progress of implementation of national programs. Based on its results, it is planned to adopt a Joint Declaration.