
As part of the project "Creation of institutional forms of cooperative higher education in the field of food technology with the support of the program" Professional Education for Economic Growth Sectors in Central Asia "(GIZ) from April 6 to April 7, 2023, a working group from KSTU visited the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

On April 6, the second working meeting was held within the walls of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, and a seminar was held, in which a representative of the PECA project, an adviser on vocational education from Uzbekistan, representatives of the working group with TCTI and KSTU, where they discussed the introduction of dual education in the field of higher education in the field of food technology, and also discussed the development of a schedule of the educational process and a working curriculum.

The working group was attended by representatives of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (TCTI), Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova (KSTU), Family Traditions LLC, Kara-Balta Technical and Economic College, Toshkentdonmahsulotlari JSC, Tashkent College of Tourism and Hotel Management. In addition, the working group made a working visit to: the Tashkent College of Tourism and Hotel Management, the SAFIA confectionery house, the enterprise JSC "Toshkentdonmahsulotlari", "Don Milko". It should be emphasized that elements of the dual training with colleges under the guidance of a mentor from the enterprise who supervises the activities of students from the college.

In this regard, they shared their experience in implementing dual training