[Translate to English:] Садырбек кызы Бубуфатима

Sadyrbek kyzy Bubufatima


Place of work: Kyrgyz State University of Construction Engineering and Architecture (KGUSTA)

Position: methodologist at KSUSTA named after. N.Isanova


Educational institution: Kyrgyz State University of Construction Engineering and Architecture

(KGUSTA), graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2021 with honors

graduated from the university with a master's degree in 2023 with honors

Faculty: Economics of the Construction Industry

(Master's Degree)

Specialty: Economist

Achievement: certificates for participation in the festival with songs through life (I place), Took (III place) at the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Student Conference. Awards, certificates of participation in competitions and olympiads, etc.

Key skills: confident PC user: MsOffice, skills of quickly searching for information on the Internet

Hobbies: traveling

Personal qualities: kindness, self-confidence, diligence, attention to detail, responsible

Телефон: 0505119925

Кабинет: 10/411

e-mail: fatimasadyrbekova@gmail.com

Стаж работы: 2