T.A. Korchubekova

T.A. Korchubekova
Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, SPS


Totukan A. Korchubekova graduated from the Kyrgyz State University, Faculty of Biology in 1984, completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter NAS KR) in 1991. She completed a scientific internship at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg (October – December 1991; March – June 1992). From 1991-2000 she worked as a junior research fellow, then a senior fellow at the animal biological chemistry laboratory of the Institute of Biotechnology of NAS KR. From 2001-2014, she worked as the Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Biotechnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. In 2004-2012, she acted as the Scientific Secretary and member of the Dissertation Council (D. 03.04. 262; D.03.05.304; D.03.10.418) for the defense of doctoral (master’s) thesis in the specialties: “Physiology”, “Biochemistry”, “Biotechnology” (2004-2012).

T.A. Korchubekova is a qualified specialist in the field of physiology, biotechnology and a master of modern biochemical, immunochemical research methods. She has published 42 scientific papers, including 2 recommendations, she holds 2 patents.

For fruitful work in the system of the National Academy of Sciences, she had been presented with the Certificate of Appreciation of NAS KR and awarded the title of Honored Worker of NAS KR.

T.A.  Korchubekova has been working at the Department of Food Production Technology of the since 2014, she teaches disciplines in the field of “Biotechnology”, the profile of specialization is “Food Biotechnology”. The educational and methodical packages and lecture materials had been developed for all the courses, such as: “Fundamentals of Biotechnology”, “Technology for the production of dietary supplements”, “Bioconversion and Biosafety”, “Genetics”, “Fundamentals of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering”, “Enrichment of Food Products with Micronutrients”, “Biotechnology in food production”.

She supervises the research works, course works and graduation works of students. She published 1 textbook and 5 manuals as assistance to students.

 She does voluntary work at the Department.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-7837-6145


Телефон: 54-51-63

Кабинет: building №1, room 1/320

e-mail: t_korchubekova@kstu.kg

Стаж работы: 6 years