Алымкулова Нуржан Боскуновна

Alymkulova Nurzhan Boskunovna
Senior Lecturer


In 1992, she successfully graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology in 1992 with a degree in chemical engineering. After graduating from the institute, since 1992, he has been working at the Department of Preservation Technology of KSTU. I. Razzakova. Stages of professional growth: senior laboratory assistant, educational master, head of laboratories, lecturer, senior lecturer (from 2007 to the present).


She began to carry out pedagogical work in 2005, gives lectures in Kyrgyz and Russian, conducts laboratory classes at the proper methodological level using visual aids.


She published 4 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, 11 teaching aids, over 10 educational and methodological complexes.

The results of scientific research are presented annually in the form of research reports and scientific articles. Based on the results of scientific research, 9 articles were published, including in the state language.

He is a member of the working group of the international Erasmus + project “Higher education for food production systems and standards” (2016-2019). Along with the scientific and pedagogical activities of Alymkulova N.B. successfully conducts social work. She has experience in admission of applicants, in 2009-2013 she was a member of the selection committee.


Awarded with the badge "Excellence in Education" of the Kyrgyz Republic pr. I. Razzakova (2014). For conscientious attitude to work and active participation in the public life of the university, gratitude was repeatedly given. In addition to methodological and scientific work, he actively conducts social work, is the secretary of the department, the curator of the 2nd year and is responsible for the Kyrgyz language at the department. Conduct annually pro-orientation work in schools in Bishkek, and also systematically conducts educational work with students of the department. Annually participates in the organization of the Day of "Open Doors" of the department.

Alymkulova Nurzhan Boskunovna conscientiously treats all orders, actively participates in public events of KSTU named after I. Razzakov.


Профили в наукометрических базах данных:
 https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-7430-4395

Кабинет: 2/224

e-mail: n-alymkulova@kstu.kg