Kulenbekova Ainura Sovetovna
Head of the Laboratory
In 1998 graduated Bishkek’s Polytechnical Institute, speciality: “technology of milk and dairy products”. After graduating Institute worked for one year in IHK ( Institute of Humanitarian Knowledge) under I Arabaev’s KSPU (Kyrgyz State Pedagoijcal University) in positions Computer operator, head of laboratory. From 2007 to 2008 years worked in I Razakov’s Kyrgyz State Technical University in positions of Study master. From 2008 to now working as Head of Laboratory. From 2018 works as part-time teacher imparts laboratory works in disciplines “food chemistry” “Food and biologicaly active additives” “general technology of lipids” “raw materials composition and properties of dairy raw materials” “Nutrition scince and functional food components” “chemical control of food quality”.
Kulenbekova A.S. continiusly improoves her qualification, by participating in international and national seminars, as confirmed by the presence of certificates.
Participates in fuculties social activities, also she is academic advisor and supervisor of student groups wich are working for masters degrees in the subjects “Technology of milk and dairy products”.