Academic work

The list of disciplines assigned to the department "Food Technology", full-time education (75 disciplines for bachelors and 35 disciplines for magistracy)

Name of disciplines


Introductory Practice (MDT⃰, MMT⃰ ⃰)


Training practice (BТ ⃰ ⃰ ⃰)


Food Chemistry (MDT, MMT)


Chemical control of food quality (MDT, MMT)


General technology of oil and fat products (MDT, MMT)


Quality management (MDT, MMT)


Food security and safety of raw materials and food products (MDT, MMT)


Nutrition science and functional food ingredients (MDT, MMT)


General technology of milk and dairy products (MDT, MMT)


General technology of meat and meat products (MDT, MMT)


Organoleptic analysis (MDT, MMT)


Packaging technology (MDT, MMT)


Sustainable production in the food industry (MDT, MMT)


Food Microbiology II


Introduction to Animal Food Science (Farm Animal Anatomy and Histology)


Quality control of end meat products


Design of the food enterprises


Raw materials (Physico-chemical and biochemical basics of meat raw materials processing)


Special Technology I (Slaughter Products Processing Technology)


Special Technology II (Refrigeration Technology)




Project (Scientific and design studies)


Special Technology III (Technology of meat products)


Development of new meat products


Food Microbiology II


Introduction to Animal Food Science (Scientific basis for the processing of dairy raw materials)


Quality control of end dairy products


Design of the food enterprises


Raw materials (Composition and properties of milk raw materials)


Special technology I (Technology of whole milk products)


Special Technology II (Technology for the production of canned food)




Project (Scientific and design studies))


Special Technology III (Butter and Cheese Technology)


Development of new dairy products


Nutrition science


Special microbiology


Training practice


Fundamentals of technological processes of food production (CW)


Food Chemistry


General technology of industry


Scientific basis of food production


Rheology of raw materials and semi-finished products


Metrology, standardization and certification of food production


Methods of research of properties of raw materials and end products


Nutritional and dietary supplements


Technology for the production of bread and bakery products




Quality management in food enterprises


Safety of food raw materials and food products


Confectionery technology (CW)


Educational research


Basics of Research


Pasta Production Technology


Basics of enterprise design


Development of new bread, pastry and pasta


Prequalification Practice


Special microbiology 2




Fundamentals of Biotechnology


Biotechnological processes, apparatus and equipment


Biotechnology of industrial producers


The technology of biologically active additives


Methods of control and certification of biotechnological products


Methods for obtaining industrial strains of microorganisms


The basics of asepsis in biotechnological industries


Sanitation and hygiene in the biotechnology industry


Biotechnology for obtaining feed from industrial waste


Basics of Research


Methods for the isolation and purification of biotechnological products


Bioconversion and Biosafety


Research Methods in Biotechnology


Industrial biotechnology (CW)






Biotechnology of baby products


Fundamentals of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering


Micronutrient fortified foods


Design of biotechnological industries


The basics of fermented dairy products biotechnology (CP)


Educational research


Combined Food Design (CP)


Prequalification Practice


⃰Milk and dairy technology (MDT)

⃰⃰⃰ ⃰Meat and meat product technology  (MMT)

⃰ ⃰ ⃰Biotechnology (BT)

Course work (CW)

Course project (CP)