Fedorov Mikhail Vasilyevich

Fedorov Mikhail Vasilyevich
chair professor

Education: 1973 - graduated from Sverdlovsk Mining Institute, specialty: "Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits", since 1973, an intern at the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute, 1982 - defended his thesis on "Geology and paleogeographical features of the formation of bauxite in the Karpinsky region of the Northern Urals" for the degree of candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, 1993 - defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences "Periodicity of bauxite formation in the development history of the earth crust of the Urals". 2002 - defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences in Economics ("System analysis and forecast assessment of the development of agroindustrial complex of the industrial region: theory, methodology, practice")

 Scientific degree, academic rank: Professor, Doctor of Economic and Geological-mineralogical Sciences.

Experience: 1973-7975- secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Institute; 1993-professor of the Ural State University of Economics; 1995-general director of research institute "Uralpischepromsertifikat" at Ural State Economic University; 2000-head of the department "Technology of public catering" Ural State Economic University; 2005-2015-rector of the Ural State Economic University; 2010-president of JSC "Great Eurasian University Complex", editor in chief of the journal "Proceedings of the Ural State Economic University", chairman of the editorial

Приёмная: 54-43-65

Телефон: 0553701901

Кабинет: 1/221

e-mail: m.fedorov@kstu.kg